CATHOLICS WHO THINK THEY NEEDED A FINAL CLEANSING BEFORE THEY ENTERED THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN...HAVE JUST DENIED THE PERFECT, COMPLETE SACRIFICE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST FOR ALL THEIR SINS, AND HAVE TRAMPLED ON THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST... Another ten thousand years passes and still there is no relief. The torment is unbearable as the flames lick at your soul and you can see that those spots remain as black as the day you arrived. Finally you understand that you had been tricked. Your false hope dies as reality sinks in. There is no purgatory! It was just a cruel hoax. Purgatory was to be your trump card. You think back to that day when Jesus stared at you. He knew that your faith was not in Him, but instead it was in your own goodness. And then if that was not enough, your faith was also in a system that doesn’t exist. Jesus knew what was in your heart and mind and His grace was far from you, that is why He said, “Get away from me, I never knew you.” (Matthew 7:23). So now the torment continues forever and ever, without relief. There is no hope. Your trust was misplaced. This will be your fate for all of eternity. You didn’t have to fall for the cruel hoax, but somehow you let others deceive you. No excuse could help you on that judgment day because while you were alive, God gave you the ability to know and trust Him. In His Word He says that He tests us to see whether we love Him with our heart and soul. It is Him that we must follow. It is Him that we must revere (Deuteronomy 13:1-4). He is a jealous God (Exodus 20:5) and He will not tolerate following anyone or anything else. God sent His Son Jesus (John 3:16) here to speak to us, revealing our Father in heaven and His kingdom. Before Jesus came, God sent the prophets to let His people know what and Whom they should be looking for. Now it is Jesus that speaks to us today (Hebrews 1:1-2). When He arrived, many people understood the signs and believed the prophets. They recognized that the Savior had indeed arrived. It was the religious leaders of that day that denied His presence, just as some leaders of today deny His authority. When Jesus was here on earth, He spoke to the apostles and His disciples just as the prophets had spoken to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In these last days, Jesus speaks to His people through the teachings that He gave to the apostles and His other disciples (John 14:23-25). After Jesus went to heaven and sat down at the right hand of the Father, He sent the Holy Spirit to teach the disciples all that they needed to know and pass down to us even to this day (1 Corinthians 2:13, John 14:26). All of those things that were necessary for salvation and good Christian living (2 Timothy 3:16-17) were written down and preserved until they accomplish all that God desires (Isaiah 55:11).
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 11:20:20 +0000

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