CAVEAT: ANYONE CAN BE BORN A MALE. NOT ALL MALE HAVE THE COURAGE TO BE HONEST MEN. TO BECOME A REAL MAN YOU MUST LOVE TRUTH AND HONESTY. MONSTERS ARE NOT MEN !!! LYING INHUMAN DECEIVERS HAVE NO SPIRITUAL INTEGRITY ~ THEY MUST UNWITTINGLY MINDLESS ALLOW THEMSELVES TO BECOME SICK MENTALLY DERANGED EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE SOCIOPATHS and PSYCHOPATHS. If White Males cannot communicate * IN TOTAL HONESTY * with each other, then I find it totally improbable that any white male can come close to the standard set by ^Diogenes, *Socrates, *Buddha, and certainly not the man they think of as their Jesus the Christ. If you, they, them, all them, live their ENTIRE EXISTENCES in such duplicity, then no one who happens to be a NON-WHITE HUMAN on earth has any basis { i.e., UNDER THE ONLY BEGOTTEN TRUE *SUN*SHINNING upon OUR EARTH GLOBE } which to feel that any white male understands or appreciates the value of TRUTH nor HONESTY Historically we recount, and currently we see still today from white males, generally speaking, nothing less but total DENIAL, than was noted in the past clearly seen in the distinction between words spoken and unspoken from each and everyone of their alleged FOUNDING FATHER ( MONSTERS )who were each individual PSYCHOPATHS and the same SLICK EVIL ME NOT GUILTY FORMS OF DECEPTIVE DUPLICITY and blatant LYING HYPOCRISY. White males have shown they will take what is not theirs, and they will steal what isnt their under color of laws, and if these tactics fail then they will murder they will kill anyone in possession of the seek to acquire, to get what they want and then have no SHAME or REMORSE, and take PRIDE for lying in denial forever about their behavior patterns. I have been LOOKING FOR ONE HONEST WHITE MALE MY ENTIRE LIFETIME UPON THIS GLOBE. They all deny in SILENCE that this SYSTEM IS RACIST. How stupid and dumb these denial forces them to become. *WHO IS ON FIRST BASE ??? Self-Actualization, first base, is HONESTY and TRUTH. Its impossible to get to SECOND BASE without first traveling beyond FIRST BASE, second base is CONSCIOUS RESPONSIBILITY. No dishonest human individual, MALE or FEMALE, WHITE or BLACK, BROWN, RED or YELLOW personality can PRETEND, nor ever honestly claim to be SPIRITUALLY AWARE of what they are meant to be doing with the employment of the CONSCIOUS MIND and the focus of its Consciousness [ i.e., loving and not racist ] in any manner intelligently responsibly. In this vein I have never yet todate known or met FACE to FACE not one single HONEST WHITE MAN on this PLANET. I have literally encountered hundreds of MALES with white skin, this is the honest . White male remember words and phrases. None of them understand these same words and phrases they commonly use with any SPIRITUAL, PSYCHIC EMOTIONAL INTEGRITY. THEY RATIONALIZE INTELLECTUALLY the meaning of terms life LOVE, HATE, GOOD, BAD, EVIL, etc. Man must learn SELF HONESTY if he will know himself. Perhaps that is why WHITE *male* PSEUDO-INTELLECTUALS never quote the words of SOCRATES, BUDHHA nor JESUS. No god, nor Gods, have any need nor necessity to be deceitful or DISHONEST. Truth & HONESTY is the only measurement of INDIVIDUAL INTEGRITY. There is no genuine spirituality in the minds and HEARTS of dishonest human beings. No wonder white males so easily fit the definitions ascribed in PSYCHOPATHY - NARCISSISM - ALIENATION - and currently in *VOGUE THE POSSESSION OF THE PROVERBIAL NEGATIVE * EGO-PSYCHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE. All of this stupid shit pandered in this culture, are little cowardly excuses and FEARFUL Intellectual Mindless willful ignorant asinine forms of Rationalization for SHEER DISHONESTY in DENIAL of what everyone see as truth. White MALES ~ YOU ARE NOT MEN WHEN YOU DELIBERATELY CONSCIOUSLY TRY TO DECEIVE YOURSELVES !!! WHEN WILL YOU FIND THE COURAGE TO BE HONEST ENOUGH TO LEARN TO BECOME MEN INSTEAD OF MONSTERS ??? Diogenes with his LANTERN / LAMP under the light of the SUN IN HEAVEN NOON DAY ~ DECLARE HE WAS LOOKING FOR THE DISCOVERY OF *ONE HONEST MAN ~ More than 3,000 years later WHERE IS THE HONEST WHITE MALE TO BE FOUND ???? They killed John and Bobby Kennedy to dare to even pretend to be honest white men here in America. No other white male nor males in power o with any authority has come forward in our time here in this pitty- ful Nation we all home !!!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 05:55:54 +0000

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