CBTU President Supports Minimum Wage Increase in - TopicsExpress


CBTU President Supports Minimum Wage Increase in Canada Statement of Rev. Terry Melvin President, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists Currently our brothers and sisters up north are debating a potential $15 an hour minimum wage. If implemented, this would truly be an historic and momentous event. Currently too many workers in North America are struggling to get by. With unskilled, highly replaceable jobs being the largest industries, we find citizens subject to the whimsy and wage scale of employers. These jobs are largely non-union and pay their works the bare minimum. By increasing the minimum wage, the standard of pay elevates across the board. We support the bold leadership of Canada that is pushing the minimum wage issue. Their bravery in the face of austerity cuts is inspiring and motivational. Keynesian economics looks at how an influx of monies to the lower classes helps ends recessions and depressions. It takes the view point that the average worker will spend their money locally, on local goods, in local businesses infusing much needed revenue into depressed areas. By increasing the minimum wage, Canada would be infusing a hurt amount of disposable monies onto working people who in turn will spend it on their local economy. This will not only enrich Canada, but also provide them with additional revenue to spend potentially infusing more money into the economies of North America. A rising tide lifts all ships. CBTU supports the efforts in Canada and sees the potential impact it will have on workers there as well as the potential it will have in the United States. For too long Canada has been victimized by a growing US Conservative movement. Hopefully if they succeed US progressive leaders will get the hint and also push to further increase the minimum wage in the States. We support all efforts and encourage our chapters and members to further be involved in the campaign. A win for one is a win for all. For more information regarding the investigation we recommend you go to justice.gov/opa/pr/2014/September/14-crt-937.html which is the department of justice website. Educate yourself on the details and process, get involved for sake of your family and conscience.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:25:44 +0000

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