CCNet 25/06/14 Met Office Fiasco! Global Temperature Forecast - TopicsExpress


CCNet 25/06/14 Met Office Fiasco! Global Temperature Forecast For 2014: A Staggering Failure. Frank Bosse puts the spotlight on a global warming forecast published by British Met Office scientists in 2007. It appeared in Science. The peer-reviewed paper was authored by Doug M. Smith and colleagues under the title, “Improved Surface Temperature Prediction for the Coming Decade from a Global Climate Model“. Using sophisticated methods, the target of the paper was to forecast the temperature development from 2004 to 2014 while taking internal variability into account. Now that it’s 2014 and the observed data are in, we can compare to see how Smith, et al, did with their forecast and boy, did they fail! - Pierre Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, 24th June, 2014. By 2014, were predicting that well be 0.3 degrees warmer than 2004. Now, just to put that into context, the warming over the past century and a half has only been 0.7 degrees, globally. There have been bigger changes locally, but globally the warming is 0.7 degrees. So 0.3 degrees, over the next ten years, is pretty significant, and half the years after 2009 are predicted to be hotter than 1998, which was the previous record. So again, these are very strong statements about what will happen over the next ten years. So again, I think this illustrates that, you know, we can already see signs of climate change, but over the next ten years, we are expecting to see quite significant changes occurring. - Dr. Vicky Pope, Met Office, 5th September, 2007. ***(June, 2014. The above prophesy has fallen flat on its face!)*** As long as man is unable to determine with the needed precision the role natural variability plays in our observed climate, calculating the impact of greenhouse gases will remain prophecy. - Frank Bosse, Die Klate Sonne, 23rd June, 2014. One of the greatest failures of climate science has been the dismal performance of general circulation models (GCM) to accurately predict Earth’s future climate. For more than three decades huge predictive models, run on the biggest super-computers available, have labored mighty and turned out garbage. ***(Sums it up perfectly!)*** - Doug L Hoffman, The Resilient Earth, 19th June, 2014. Exactly how much climate alarmism and economic scaremongering will people endure before they turn off and decide to drive to the beach and otherwise have a good time, global warming or no global warming? Nobody knows, but a group of U.K. scientists said on Tuesday that the tipping point may have already passed. In a report titled, Time for Change?,the Climate Science Reconsidered group of eminent British academics from various disciplines and associated with University College London (UCL) warns that “fear appeals” may be turning the public against the climate issue as “too scary to think about.” If that’s true, U.S. President Barack Obama and his billionaire activists buddies, Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg and others, are on track to destroy their own campaigns. - Terence Corcoran, Financial Post, 25th June, 2014. The two graphs below are half-century plots of HADCRUT4 global temperatures. Both use exactly the same time and temperature scales. Which one is 1895-1945 (Nature’s fault), and which is 1963-2013 (Your fault)? - Paul Homewood, Not A Lot Of People Know That, 24th June, 2014.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 08:18:44 +0000

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