CDC has known since at least 2001 that age when MMR is given - TopicsExpress


CDC has known since at least 2001 that age when MMR is given affects autism risk Dr. Thompsons bold confession is rocking the health world, a significant portion of which bought into the CDC lie that vaccines do not cause autism: case closed. In truth, the CDC has engaged in a massive fraud against the American people, and really the entire world, by falsely claiming that scientific data debunks the vaccine-autism connection, when it actually shows the exact opposite. It is what famed gastroenterologist Dr. Andrew Wakefield tried to tell the CDC and other government officials more than a decade ago, only to be slandered and falsely accused of fraud himself. But as he explains in a new film, top CDC officials had actually vindicated his original findings, only to eventually succumb to political pressures seeking to bury all evidence of a connection between vaccines and autism. Over a decade ago, Dr. Scott Montgomery and I put forward a hypothesis for MMR vaccine and autism, explains Dr. Wakefield in the film. The age that you receive the vaccine influences the risk. This makes sense. For some infections like measles, the age of infection changes the outcome. We shared this hypothesis with vaccine officials.... A group of senior vaccine safety people at the CDC studied it. It panned out. We were right. By November 9, 2001, nearly 13 years ago, senior CDC scientists knew that younger age of exposure to MMR was associated with an increased risk of autism. In 2004 they published, but they hid the results. Be sure to watch Dr. Wakefields film here: Vimeo.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 11:06:04 +0000

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