CDC keeps telling us that if you don’t have symptoms you - TopicsExpress


CDC keeps telling us that if you don’t have symptoms you aren’t infectious. This is BS pure and simple. Subclinical infections are common. People often shed viruses before they have symptoms, if they develop any at all. Keep in mind that innate immune response still takes minutes to hours to become active and that’s ONLY if the viral load is sufficient to trigger the response. It’s possible to bypass the innate response. By the time the infected cells begin to produce virus particles which can then be spread through body fluids, the patient can be infectious and the immune system STILL hasn’t caught up, innate or adaptive responses may not come into play at all by this time. This is how/why infectious mono can be shed for months (upwards of 6 to 18) and many other viruses can be spread so easily. Of course it’s a little more complicated than this, but CDC IS lying. Theres an old joke from soviet-era Russia: what do you do if a nuclear attack is imminent? Put on your burial shroud and walk slowly to the cemetery. Why slowly? So as not to cause a panic.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:05:14 +0000

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