CELEBRATION AND CONGRATULATIONS POUR IN FOR EDGARS VICTORY For those who have been gracious in defeat or simply acknowledging the inevitable that has happened, the courtesies have been flowing. NEVERS MUMBA May I be one of the first to congratulate your Excellency, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, on your election as Zambia’s Sixth President. The whole nation, is now looking to you as they search for answers to the many questions facing us as a people. We, in the New MMD are confident that the God who has allowed you to ascend to that seat will give you the necessary wisdom and grace to meet the varied expectations of the people. You have demonstrated a strong spirit of commitment to humanity and pray that as we move forward, you shall feel our support in helping you serve our people and ultimately make Zambia a better place for all. Congratulations! Nevers Sekwila Mumba President, MMD VERNON JOHNSON MWAANGA I congratulate Edgar Lungu for his narrow victory in an election, which could have gone the other way. Elections everywhere, divide families and friends, but let us remember that there were no enemies in this election, but mere opponents. We are all Zambians and have a right to make our political choices. The challenges of our 6th President now that the election is done and dusted, is to heal reconcile and unite our deeply divided country and make our national motto of one zambia,one nation a reality once again. He should be seen to be a President of all Zambians , including those who did not vote for him in accordance with his oath of office. There should be no retribution or vengeance. - Vernon Johnson Mwaanga SARAH SEWALL - U.S. UNDER SECRETARY Visiting United States Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Sarah Sewall spoke today about corruption and how it affects society. She congratulated the Zambian people on a presidential election free of political violence. Under Secretary Sewall stated that the start of a new administration is a time to assess the direction of the country and look for new opportunities to improve governance, economic growth, and the lives of the Zambian people. JAMES THORNTON - BRITISH HIGH COMMISSIONER First let me congratulate the Electoral Commission of Zambia. Organising the election at short notice was a tough job. They had to recruit and train around 40,000 temporary staff to run the polling stations; those whom I observed seemed to be doing a very good job. The weather significantly complicated the running of the election. The election process itself had numerous checks in it to prevent fraud. And it was very transparent. Party agents were able to observe all the voting and key elements of the tallying process. I wish to commend Justice Mambilina. She is a lady of unimpeachable integrity. We can have confidence in an election tally that she has announced. Second, let me congratulate the winner of the election, Hon Edgar Lungu. I look forward to attending his inauguration tomorrow. The British Government will work with him and his government for the further development of this country. Third, let me offer my commiserations to the losers, and in particular to Hakainde Hichilema and his supporters. It is hard to come close yet not to win. I welcome the fact that HH has called for his supporters to remain calm and avoid violence. Lastly, this close election has made Zambia seem a little more divided than before. I hope that both the President-Elect and HH can work to create unity and reconciliation. James Thornton, High Commissioner THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN CENTRE FOR THE CONSTRUCTIVE RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES (SACCORD) SACCORD would like to congratulate the just elected sixth Republican President of Zambia His Excellency Mr Edgar C. Lungu. We wish him all the best as he works on uniting and governing the nation. We also congratulate the opposition for a very good job in competing for the Presidency. Their role will continue being relevant in our democracy and wish them all the best in playing their role. Photos : Thomas Nsama
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 05:03:37 +0000

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