CELEBRATION OF DON BRODYS LIFE! A eulogy is considered good words. - TopicsExpress


CELEBRATION OF DON BRODYS LIFE! A eulogy is considered good words. Words are powerful. My heart is heavy and sad for Delores, Paula, Marla, Darla, Carl and his Childrens Children and for his extended family. But I am so Happy for Don and the Blessed Hope. He just closed his eyes Christmas Day and will wake up in the morning, to the trumpets, Fierce Lighting, Thunder, Earthquakes and the voice of JESUS, well done DON thou good and faithful Servant. I have prepared a Mansion for you, in my Fathers house. He will reunite with his family and friends that crossed over Jordan before and after. He will be surrounded with many Angels, His guardian Angel will offer congratulation for having a child like trust in GOD. He will be a jewel rescued from Satans grasp. He will be a guest speaker to un fallen worlds, to magnify the Power in the Blood, giving thanks for the Cross. His testimony will be etched in Gold, for eons, eons and forever. Then JESUS, from his lips, Come Don, ye blessed of my FATHER, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Don, will be welcomed to the Mansions prepared for him and his family. John 14,1-3. Isaiah 49:25- If you contend with me I will contend with you and save your childrens Children, one of Dons favorite text in the Bible. His love and Loyalty to his family and GOD were his badge of Honor. Don was my big brother, he was my mentor, he was Just like the big brother Pete was to Louie, in the book and Movie, UNBROKEN, he was passionate about Life, Family, Sports,Golf, JESUS, he was exceptionally smart, he had a photographic memory, I was so proud when he was admitted into Dental School, when he graduated and took the Boards for both Doctors and Dentist, he scored in the highest-98-PERCENTILE. He was a walking encyclopedia on sports, and history. He knew his Bible chapter and verse, his Spiritual journey was magnified by Morris Venden. I feel the same assurance, Morris Venden has been one of the best writers and preachers that has ever touched our hearts and souls. I saw how Don mourned when he lost baby April, what blessed assurance to spend eternity with April, Delores, Paula, Marla, Darla, Carl and his entire family. Don was an officer and Gentleman in the Army in Korea. We owe a great debt of gratitude to our military, whose blood gives us freedom. One of Don and Deloress Christmas Joy was giving out care packages to the poor and needy. This gave him unbelievable joy to see the smiles, and shy thank yous! Donnie, Ronnie and Donna Mae were very close, it hurts us the most when we fractured our families at Christmas time, our families just grew to big. Donna Mae was the rock, she would always set the bar so high, we just didnt have her discipline. When Donnie went to school Donna and I played together, Donnie caught me playing with dolls, with Donna Mae, when I say him coming I threw the doll I to the chest, slammed the lid down and broke the babys arm, Donna was not very pleased and still remembers it. Donnie wanted to play ball, and not play house. Donnie and Ronnie fishing stories, packing Into Lake, Mary and Margaret. My first fish. Fay scaring a Bear. Hiking over to the Dooleys. Donnie and Ronnie base ball stories,playing on the Elks pee wee team, getting a coveted Elks Jersey; his pitching for the W.J. College. He was so pleased when my father made a special effort and watched him pitch baseball in Recreation Park. Donnie and Ronnie basket ball stories, playing one on one-Horse- Free throws. He was a sharp shooter, could shoot 90 percent from the free throw line, and had a Jerry West jump shot that was deadly. Donnie and Ronnie Car stories- Drag racing my 40 Ford Convertible, against his Dads new Ford. I picked him up at the Bus station, when he came back from Spangle and showed him some wild and crazy driving, sliding around corners, doing Brodys, until I bent the right front wheel Into the frame against the curb; wrecking my fathers new 1948 Plymouth car. Don was just happy we got out alive. Donnie wrecking Dick Suttons Car. Donnie swore Donna Mae to secrecy, but she told her dad Elmer, but he never spilled the fbeans.George and Don were best friends. The John Sutton family was some our closest friends. Donnie and Ronnie Golfing stories- winning the K-B Reunion Championship. Playing daylight to dark. Counting your score. No matter how good or how bad he scored he would never fudge his score. Don will share the dignity and privileges of the Angels. Don will be shown the tree of life, which bare twelve manners of fruit. There Will be no more curse, there will be no more night there; for the LORD GOD giveth them light. Don will see how much he owes to the Holy Spirit and his Guardian Angels, they have an active part in guarding, following, influencing him. Don will have a more sacred relationship to GOD than have the Angels Who have never fallen. Because the forgiveness He received. GOD has prepared a way for Don to travel to HIS Home, and GOD will walk with all of us. GOD doesnt simply point the way; HE is always beside us as we go. DON is ransomed of the LORD, and HE will come to the promise Land, with songs and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. (Is. 35:10.) GOD has brought all of us through the peaks and the valleys and the buffeting of Satan. We will catch a glimpse of the peaks of the Heavenly land. Lets all rejoice that GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME. When we lost DON, we lost a precious friend. It seems that time stood still. What moves through us is silence....a quiet sadness...A longing for one more day, one more family Reunion, One more day on the Golf course, getting together and saying what we are Thankful for; old memories, FOREVERIES, one more word,.. One more touch. We may not understand why Don left this earth so soon, or why Don left before we were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, we begin to remember not just that Don died, but that he lived, and he lived with passion and Verve; And that his life gave us memories and FOREVERIES too beautiful to forget. We will see you again some day Don, in the Promise Land, where there is no separation. A place where there are no words that mean Good-bye. Thank You for the MEMORIES & FOREVERIES that we can play in the back roads bye the rivers of our mind over and over again. Love You Don! THANK YOU. What a wonderful life, with Jimmy Stewart, Angel, Christmas Movie, gives us a glimpse into Dons wonderful life and times. His influence, his passion for life, his passion for excellence and his family. It has been an idyllic time to be born in earths history, 1933-1935- we have seen the best of times, and the worst of times.We grew up poor but very close Seventh Adventist family ties. Our five families, Fay-Beulah: Lila-Elmer : Jack-Vena: Lyle and Jewel : Clayton and Vila, worked together, worshipped together, played together. We were double cousins, but just as close as brothers and sisters. We were the Minnesota Chessycat, worked in the Cherry, Apple, Pear, Peach Orchards, went up in the mountains, cut wood, sold cord wood, delivered Coal and sawdust for heating fuel. The women cleaned houses, took in ironing. Worked side by side with the men. At 5 years old, all us would be required to set a goal and achieve it. We were taught to Just Do It we would always be rewarded with a Milk Shake at the Plaza on the way home and sometimes we went to a lake Chelan for a delicious Picnic and a refreshing swim. We were poor folks but never ever thought we were, Gramma Hilda always told us we were the chosen, special. and blessed byJESUS. My relatives were the hardest workers I have ever known. It has been a tragic week for me, Jim Sutton died on the 23, Gene Pruitt died on the 24 and Don on the 25. The shock has jolted me to the quick.they were all life long friends. My own Mortality seems much more fragile. The sands of time seem to be almost all gone! But John 14, 1-3 Let not your heart be trouble nor afraid, if you believe in me believe also in my father. In my fathers house are many Mansions, if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am you will be also. youtu.be/2oktwdSutsM
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:36:54 +0000

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