CELEBRITY OF THE DAY***HIS PROFILE DOUGLAS LWANGA: How He Has Taken Over Local TV To Become The Best In The Business In 2009, Douglas Lwanga was just another behind the scenes producer on Record TV. Simply put, nobody knew him and actually no one wanted to know. Fast forward to today 2013. He is without doubt the BIGGEST ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION PERSONALITY IN UGANDA. Yes, the biggest and by far! On July 5, Douglas wrote on facebook: “In 2010 i got on your screen, you believed in me and gave me a chance and an audience. I never thought id make it this far.Together we started this journey,lots of trials ,awards ,but you stil believed id make it.i have never told you why i left after working there for over 7 years but i guess i needed to get to another step in life.Regardless i thank my former employer for giving me a chance to play the TV game.I did my best and ill always be grateful..Well its been 3months of silence,lots of questions,speculations but now its time we start a new chapter.I want to salute the real friends,Fans,and Family who stick with you whether your on TV/not.Foreal some dreams come true,and am humbled being part of Uganda’s most respected TV brand doing what I love to do.Now its time we step up the game.The promo is on air the dates have been fixed stamped and sealed, yep this is it. Mark Monday 8th July as we premier the BEAT on NTV.Make date with me every evening Mon -Fri 5-6:30pm.Hope to c u in the front seat of the show via DSTV/GOTV/STARTTIMES/ONLINE.Make sure u join the conversation via facebook NTV THE BEAT click and like our page.I Tell you television just got better.IF ITS NOT NTV oba its watttttt????….nange simanyi….nwai dont settle for less c u monday. BLESS” A week since he premiered on NTV, Douglas is already commanding a huge fan base. His bosses at the Serena based telly station must already be leaking their lips. What a coup! In just one week his facebook page- NTV The Beat- already boasts of over 5000 likes. His previous page Record TV Douglas Katogo has over 30, 000. It is without doubt that Douglas is loved by many. And this is mainly because of his humility. He describes himself as, “A TV personality, family man who is business-minded.” “You can never assume you are the best, you always need to look and learn from those you think are better,” he says. It is this attitude that pushed him to do better. I am afraid of being too comfortable. I prefer looking at what my show is lacking to develop it.” Having scooped major awards at lightweight television Record TV, Douglas is expected to scoop award after award now that he is playing the game at the biggest stage; The Champions League of Local Television. Douglas debuted Katogo on Record TV in 2009; it was a result of a major shake-up at the station and in a production meeting with the new management, one young producer, Douglas Lwanga, was spotted. “The name Katogo is a loose translation for a mixture of foods. The show was meant to complement another show on the station which specifically played foreign music,” he said sometime back. Douglas exhibits the perfect working culture you rarely find in a Ugandan TV presenter. He makes a log for all the artistes he wants to appear on his show in a specific month. So far in one week he has managed to host Coco Finger, Young Mulo, Prossy Kankunda, Don MC, Desire Luzinda among others, a feat other presenters only dream about. A former student of St Lawrence schools, Douglas is not in the entertainment industry by mistake. In his days at Creamland, he formed a dance group with his friends, performing at different St Lawrence campuses. “My background as a stage performer helped me adapt to TV easily. I actually think the ministry of education should find a way of including performing arts in mass communication,” he suggests. Besides his presenting job, he does graphics for corporations and musicians. He has done concert adverts for Bebe Cool, OS, Bobi Wine and Konshens’ concert in Kampala. He has also worked closely with events promoter Balaam Barugahara. In an industry with names like Straka, MC Kats, Tuff B and Miles Rwamiti, it is really hard for one to compete. But Douglas has competed. And not only competed but he has taken over!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 06:09:51 +0000

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