CELLPHONE VERSUS BIBLE Something has struck my attention, My - TopicsExpress


CELLPHONE VERSUS BIBLE Something has struck my attention, My attention has been struck by something. Something so small but yet so big, Something so precious, something so beautiful, But something behind which an ugly devil can hide: This is this little thing by the name of CELLPHONE. Have you ever wondered how godly we would become, If we treated our Bibles the way we do our cellphones? Imagine the godly heights we would go if the Bible was a cellphone Or if the cellphone was a Bible. If we love that the way we love this, And if this was that, indeed somebody would be somewhere. Children cry, “Dad buy me a cellphone”, but can hardly cry for a Bible. Why? How somebody feels out of place and outdated when he doesn’t have a cellphone, But doesn’t feel the same when he/she doesn’t have a Bible. How we go through thick and thin to buy that phone of choice But can’t save to buy a Bible. Why? Somebody gets frustrated if someone mess around his phone’ Or even touch it without permission, But the same person watches his/her children play with the Bible; Even drawing “cows and goats” on its sacred pages and rebuke them not. Is the phone of more value than the Bible? How we can take out our cellphones anywhere But ashamed to walk with our Bibles in public. How we like to show colleagues the unique features and functions of our cellphones, But reluctant to show them the glorious functions of the Bible and the treasures thereof. If we testify on the Gospel, indeed somebody would be somewhere. If supplied with abundance of airtime and discounts, Somebody can go till midnight chatting, But if supplied with abundance of free time, We can’t go far studying, praying and meditating on the Word. How somebody feels outdated and ashamed going with an old model phone. But feels settled going with a tattered Bible reluctant to buy a new one. Somebody, upon realizing he has forgotten his phone, Nomatter the distance, he runs back home to collect it. But the same can’t do the same when the same has happened to the Bible. A mature Christian ought to read the Bible everyday, But somebody plays games on his phone till sleep steals him away - no reading, no praying. Get me right somebody ‘cause we want to get right. Who has despised the day of little things? Knoweth it not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Handle that cellphone with care lest it steals your precious time with God. If we can only transfer the same zeal towards the things of God, Indeed, somebody would be somewhere.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 00:31:27 +0000

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