CEMIS MESSAGE TO STPM INDIAN STUDENTS: We know well you had gone - TopicsExpress


CEMIS MESSAGE TO STPM INDIAN STUDENTS: We know well you had gone through hard time to be the best students from the beginning when you started the first day in std 1 and till your are now at STPM level. we have many ways to improve, one if it is tapping RESERVE KNOWLEDGE into our mind set,Basically we are late to tapp knowledge as we expect someone will come forward to help us. I did a career plan for few years, along they way i met a malay guy,smart student and he is very keen to do CHEMICAL engineering related studies.(at tht time he is only 18yrs old)..he told me tht "uncle saya dah lama cuba dapatkan info utk rujukkan pengajian tinggi saya dan saya juga cuba mencari kawan di negara itu yang boleh bantu saya semasa saya mengaji di sana..lagi pun saya cuba dapatkan info negara yang aktif dalam bahan kimia atau teknologi kimia dan antaranya ialah india,pakistan dan bangladesh..tapi saya minat untuk belajar di India,bila saya dapt keputusan SPM saya memohon dan saya juga dapat info majikan atau syarikat mana yang menawarkan biasiswa di negara tersebut....bila saya pohon, saya diterima dan seterusnya saya dapat biasiswa dari salah sebuah sykt di India....this the answer the malay guy told me .... CEMIS is for you...and we are here to serve..i seen how the parents running here and there to ensure their kids with STPM result will have the best choice to further their studies. Do you know some mothers cry before she sleep thinking of her kids situation with the result? why this can happen? WE never prepared for the best and for the worst,so we run around at last minute and listening to so many info... why the parents are not well informed in advance,whos foult? me,you,govt,my parents,your parents or yourself or the one who you depend so much all the while? we CEMIS is creating awareness in advance,that is the reason we organise program which focusing the future of indian students.... Thank you chairman NATIONAL CEMIS
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 14:41:26 +0000

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