CENTANNI HOUSE – CANAL STREET – 1046 - 1967 The house was - TopicsExpress


CENTANNI HOUSE – CANAL STREET – 1046 - 1967 The house was owned by Myra (Collins) and Salvador Centanni who, with their seven children, decorated their home from 1946 to 1967. Decorations at the house started off with Santa’s workshop including Santa and a rocket ship. A life-size Nativity scene was added, Rudolph and the other reindeer made their appearances and all were illuminated by thousands and thousands of lights and plenty of Christmas music. An elephant was later included in the display. It seems that Mrs. Centanni had read a children’s book with a circus theme and decided to include a little piece of the circus. Each year Myra would add another feature. When the space program was expanding, Santa Claus was showcased on a “moonscape” in the Centannis yard. The Christmas decorations lasted until January 1, 1967. On this night, the Centanni’s hosted a New Year’s Eve party; with all the excitement, Myras weakened heart stopped. Sam Centanni never turned the Christmas lights back on, but in 2005 he allowed them to be displayed at City Park. The home was sold to new owners in 1986 for $750,000. EMAIL MESSAGE FROM CENTANNI’S DAUGHTER ON “WHY NO MORE CHRISTMAS DISPLAY” TO: BELLSOUTH. NET -- Original Message -------- Subject: Christmas at 4506 Canal St. Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 01:36:31 EDT From: Email address of Centanni’s daughter DELETED -- privacy To: [email protected], [email protected] Hi Sharon, I am Myra Centanni Mehrtens who grew up at 4506 Canal St. in New Orleans. Mother began her Christmas decorations about two years after we moved on Canal St. She began it because of her love of Christmas. The first year, I think it was 1946, there was only a Nativity set and Santa in his sleigh with the eight raindeer and rudolph. Each year she would add another feature, Santas Workshop, with mechanical toys that would move and turn, a small replica of a church that you could look in to see an altar, pews , people and all the furnishings of a church at Christmas. One year mother read a childrens storybook about Santas Circus and that year a huge elephant with Santa riding atop appeared on the corner of the house with a clown and monkey to greet the people who came to see the decorations. Another year the space program was at its height and so Santa was there on the rocket ready to go to the moon. Mother and Daddy ( Myra and Sam) enjoyed this so much. They would look out through the blinds to see the people enjoying their Christmas gift to the people of New Orleans. There was no Centanni child that died, I dont know where someone got that idea. But the reason we stopped the decorations was because Mother passed away at our annual NewYears Eve Party. She had a bad heart and her doctor had warned her of too much excitement but she loved parties with all her family and friends. She died just as she lived, the band was playing, her beloved husband (celebrating his 69th. birthday) was with her, her seven children and their families all around her , nieces, nephews and friends surrounded her and her beautiful home was still beaming with the thousands of colored Christmas lights. That was the night the lights went out, actually it was morning 1:30 a.m. on January 1, l967. Daddy could never bring himself to put the decorations up again, It was her thing , she handled it all, and she was gone . My mother was truly a Santa Claus all year round, we knew she was a very generous and giving person but after her death people would call us and tell us of her wonderful generousity to them, things that Daddy and we children were unaware of. She gave and gave and gave to us to the grandchildren to people she didnt even know, she gave through others to others. Maybe we will talk again. My sister-in-law, Jo Ann, asked me to set the story straight. Do put me on your mailing list and if I can help you with the Centannis in New Orleans let me know. Best Regards, Myra
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 12:54:01 +0000

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