CEO OF FASHION, POOR, DEMONIC POSSESSED GIRL AND A BLUE COLLAR, GI DUTY BOUND SOLDIER… WHAT DID THESE 3 INDIVIDUALS HAVE IN COMMON? In the next few days, lets take the time to meet these 3 individuals and discover what they did have in common and how the Holy Spirit brought them together in such a dynamic fashion for us to learn and grow from some 2000 years later. Our journey will take us to Philippians 1 and Acts 16. In Philippians 1, we read where Paul, the missionary yearned for the people in Philippi but why? Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi is the only letter that Paul wrote that he did not try to correct or change behavior. Philippians is a book that is rich with verses that have stirred the hearts of believers. It holds no criticisms for its listeners and is a picture of what a mature church looks like. But back to the question, as to why does Paul have such deep affection for these people, the same affection that took Jesus to the cross, for he deeply, deeply loves these people…why? Have you ever led someone to Christ and not seen them in a very long time and you yearn to be with them again, to see how they have matured in the Lord? To share the affection, the love you both have for one another because of that deep, abiding love you have for Christ? That is what it was like for Paul, for you see he had some rather interesting people come into his life, as he entered Philippi the very first time and those maturing believers….the CEO, THE ENSLAVED DEMONIC POSSESSED GIRL AND THE GI SOLDIER would be the ones who would start the Church of Philippi. Who are these people? We have to go back to Acts 16:12 and begin there. Paul meets Lydia, a woman who sold purple goods. She was a wealthy, intellectual woman. She would be someone who would have a home in NYC, Paris and Rome. She would be considered a CEO of today. She had rejected paganism and believed there was only one God. She was a seeker. She would listen to the teachings of the Jews. She knew what the Torah said about the law and the commandments. She knows she has done good by some of them but has broken some as well. She fully comprehends that there is a blood sacrifice provided for her sins to be removed so that she can be justified before God but even though she is an intellect, she is still confused. Look who shows up in her life…Paul. That would be like Billy Graham, Perry Stone, Francis Chan, David Jeremiah, Jonathan Cahn or Charles Stanley showing up at your Bible study and saying yes, the law was given to show that you have fallen short…there is no way you can keep all these laws but an atonement was also given and Christ on the cross was your atonement. He engages her through what? Her intellect…in other words…SHE GETS IT!!! She gets it through reasoning and immediately becomes a believer, is baptized along with her entire household. Paul is invited to stay with her and you know it has to be a nice place to stay at and that is how the Church of Philippi begun….just like that!!! First member - CEO of Fashion….second member of Church of Philippi - poor, demonic possessed, enslaved girl. (Susan)
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 05:10:40 +0000

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