CFW Breaking News: AJ Lee (Stacy Rogers)advances past the - TopicsExpress


CFW Breaking News: AJ Lee (Stacy Rogers)advances past the preliminary round to the second round of the Celebrity Fantasy Wrestling World Title Tournament by defeating The King Jack Gleeson two falls to one. Her quest for revenge on the authority of General Manager Peter Dinklage and Assistant General Manager Liv Tyler continues as does her quest for the World title. This was Jack Gleesons singles debut and he gave quite a showing against the only professional wrestler in CFW. Before the match, AJ cut a promo stating that due to the screwjob she was now 0-1 in CFW, and that her win was stolen from her due to the interference of the authority. AJ proceeded to explain that if they were going to hamper her success, she would have to get it the old fashioned winning the title tournament! Jack Gleeson came out and cut a promo of his own saying that while he had no love for the authority either, AJ was not dealing with Cera, Dinklage, or Tyler. Rather, she now had to face him, and in his own words, YOU WILL NOT LOOK PAST ME. IM YOUR PROBLEM NOW AND YOU WILL NOT OVERLOOK ME. AJ Lee laughed, hes just a small actor and shes a trained professional wrestler, how much of a fight could he possibly put up? Turns out, quite alot. Through clever cheating and brawling tactics, he was able to partially negate AJs speed and strength advantage by using tactics such as cheap shots, closed fist punches, strikes to the throat, and making sure to maintain distance. It was a dogfight for much of the first round, with AJ trying to knock him down and get her hands on him, and by unscrupulous and unsavory means Jack was able to stay right out of harms way. Eventually, AJ caught up with him. She quickly took him down with a kick and began to lock him in her submission finisher The Black Widow (Octopus stretch) but what she didnt know was that Jacks submission move was a Mandible Claw variation called The Crowning Achievement and he was able to move closer to her as she set up the hold and take advantage of his hands proximity to her mouth to lock on his Mandible Claw. It looked like he was about to win the first fall until AJ used her years of pro wrestling expertise to attack his wrist and escape. They released eachother and got to their feet for a striking contest, of which AJ wisely attacked his legs with several stiff shoot kicks, trying to negate his ability to perform his 2nd finisher which was a running punt kick to the head. No slim young celebrity could stand up to shoot kicks to the leg from a seasoned pro wrestler and Jack eventually crumpled to a heap, during which AJ got him in her clutches and slapped on a figure four. With his hamstrings on fire and his legs becoming useless, Jack had to concede the first fall. In a bit of excellent wrestling psychology, AJ didnt release his legs immediately, rather holding the hold for a few more moments until threatened by disqualification from the ref. When she released and the next fall began, Jack could barely walk. On rubber legs, they met up for the second fall, where AJ resumed her attack on his legs with more shoot kicks. Jack eventually crumpled, and AJ pulled him to his knees as he held her in a sloppy waistlock, desperately trying to pull himself to his feet. Remembering the cheating tactics that had kept him in this fight, Jack crushed AJ with a quick LOW BLOW forearm shot between the legs, dropping her like a sack of bricks as she slumped against him. After which, Jack was able to get to his feet, pull AJ to her knees and hit her with his Lions Tooth (Umaga style Samoan Spike thumb thrust to the throat) taking her out of commission and allowing him to go for the pin. Jack won the second fall. The third and final fall involved a dazed and disoriented AJ versus a Jack who could barely walk. The thoughts of advancing in the tournament were still firmly in his head as Jack started berating AJ with questions, asking if she still saw him as a joke. AJ endured the questioning as they circled eachother before hitting Jack with a low kick to the leg heard around the word, causing it to give out from under him! Jack tried as he could but he couldnt get up, and couldnt put any weight on it. AJ realized that he was able to escape her Black Widow decided to go for a different finishing maneuver to her possibly crippled opponent, squatting in front of him, lying on her back and pulling his head between her legs, setting up for a lethal front headscissor. Her toned and strong thighs pressed tight into his jaw, his head, and the soft carotid arteries under his chin as she squeezed away, answering his question...Yes, you still are a joke to me. All the fighting, cheating, and heart displayed by Jack meant nothing as he found himself between the strongest legs in CFW. AJ whispered some more pipe bombs verbally breaking his spirit as she squeezed him into a state of unconsciousness. AJ won the third and final fall by knockout. AJs quest for CFW dominance continues. This pro is ready to make mincemeat out of these amateurs and grab that world title to spite Dinklage and Tyler. Will they factor in to her next match against Michael Cera? Only time will tell. PRELIMINARY ROUND FIGHT: AJ Lee vs. Jack Gleeson Fall one: AJ Lee def. Jack Gleeson by submission (Figure four leglock) Fall two: Jack Gleeson def. AJ Lee by pinfall. Fall three: AJ Lee def. Jack Gleeson by technical submission (Front headscissor KO) Result: AJ LEE ADVANCES
Posted on: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 18:44:22 +0000

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