CGA Ontario / CRA scandal - multi-million dollar lawsuit After - TopicsExpress


CGA Ontario / CRA scandal - multi-million dollar lawsuit After the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) stole a large sum of money from my parents, interfered with the appeal to the Federal Court of Appeal, and refused to redress the wrongdoing, I was constructively dismissed as a CRA employee by CGA Ontario members and many others at the CRA. After advising CGA Ontario of these activities, CGA Ontario accused me of lying and requested that I provide internal federal government documents, not available to the public, in direct violation of my Oath or Affirmation of Office and Secrecy. For not being able to legally provide the documents, CGA Ontario defamed me at large on the Internet, branding me as a liar and a troubled individual and expelled me from CGA Ontario. CGA members, after reading the Internet articles and spreading the defamation across the CRA, mobbed (bullying in gangs) me and conspired to get rid of me until I resigned from the CRA because of excessive mental distress due to constructive dismissal activities by these CGA members and others. The CRA and their ally, CGA Ontario, engaged in activities resulting in the destruction of my CGA education, career, reputation, livelihood, friendships, and damaged my health. In short, the CRA and CGA Ontario destroyed my life. PIPSC union, which I paid to defend me, acted in collusion with CRA management to ensure constructive dismissal. The Law Society of Upper Canada, CGA Ontario, and CA Ontario have refused to discipline their members. The Barreau du Quebec, CPA Quebec, and CMA Ontario have their members currently under investigation for their conduct in these matters. Criminal charges will be forwarded to the Ottawa Police Service by the end of this year. The RCMP has not investigated the wrongdoing by the CRA against my parents and Ottawas Crown Attorneys office has ignored a full report on CGA Ontario wrongdoing and defamation at large on the Internet thereby protecting high ranking executives in Canadian institutions. The first 4 pages of my 69 page Superior Court of Justice action are attached. The Canadian media is not interested in letting the people of Canada know the truth about this scandal and the lack of integrity, ethics, and morals at the federal government and in many other Canadian institutions. The people of Canada have a right to know the truth.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 22:58:14 +0000

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