CGC: Isiobishi Community Lauds Gov. Okorocha’s Idea Isiobishi - TopicsExpress


CGC: Isiobishi Community Lauds Gov. Okorocha’s Idea Isiobishi Autonomous Community, Isu Local Government Area have with one voice described the Community Government Council (CGC) introduced by Gov. Rochas Okorocha as panacea to rapid development of rural communities The Community bared their minds during the town hall meeting of the CGC held at their Primary School recently where the officials of the Community Council Presided over by Chairman of the CGC HRH Eze E. U. Orisakwe. The meeting which was attended by all the six villages that made up the Isiobishi Autonomous gave the Secretary General of the CGC Chief Patrick Ibeawuchi an opportunity to give them a minute by minute account of the activities of the council. Chief Ibeawuchi in his brief to the community informed them that the state Government have released to them the sum of N1m in fulfillment of government’s promise that any community that pays her own N250,000 deposit will be given N1m by the state government. He also took time to explain to the community other activities of the council and thereafter individuals present at the meeting made suggestions on what and how the N1m from the government should be put into use. Thereafter, a cross-section of the community spoke to Citystar on their feelings about the CGC thus: HRH Eze E. U. Orisakwe, Head of Isiobishi CGC: the idea of CGC is a well thought out plan by Gov. Rochas Okorocha and this has helped government to get to the grassroots. Since my assumption as the head of CGC of my community, it has made impact in the community in accordance to the directive of the initiator of the government. My people have shown great interest in the community government as shown on their response to town hall meetings. In each town hall meeting they have positively contributed ideas that will make the community move forward. The way we run our CGC which is in line with the principles of the community government is another beauty of the CGC which has opened channels for ideas and development plans that will make the community appreciate the governor’s reason behind setting up the CGC. Today the modern school built by Gov. Okorocha is the first of its kind since the inception of the council area and the community. This school has been officially handed over to the community. Roads in my community have received attention unprecedented in the history of governance in Imo State. Even our markets are been developed and modernized. Through the CGC I have put in my best to ensure that the efforts of the Rescue Mission administration is felt in my community. However, I appeal to the governor to tare the road leading to my palace because it has completely gone bad. When it rains people living in that area are under the treat of flood. My community has maintained a very low crime rate especially in armed robbery and kidnapping. My community is also known to be peace loving. I have always advised my people to be peaceful and supportive to the government of Gov. Okorocha because he has done a lot for our community to deserve our unalloyed support. In fact Isiobishi is in total support of the government of Owelle Rochas Okorocha. Chief Patrick Ibeawuchi, Secretary General CGC: Community Government Community as introduced by the government of Gov. Rochas Okorocha is a very good idea that should be supported by all. Nevertheless, we expect more from the government like our transformers have all gone bad and need to be repaired. Our primary school which the state government has directed that the N1m be spent on, the amount cannot be enough to do the works needed to be done there. Our health centre needs attention; our people are ready to make contribution to develop our community when the need arises just as we contributed the N250,000 asked to be paid by the state government in respect of the CGC. I therefore urge all members of the Isiobishi CGC to be ready for more work. Lolo Comfort Obiefula; Woman Leader Isiobishi: ’the benefits of Isiobishi Women in the CGC are many. Today women are no longer paying school fees for their children due to the free education policy of the Rescue Mission Government. The School pupils are also given school uniforms, books and lockers which was not so before. Again, there is security in the schools where security personnel help to take a child home if such a child suddenly takes ill while in School. Most importantly, new teachers have been employed to ensure qualitative education. Under the CGC, women now help to keep the surrounding’s clean to avoid flooding and sickness. The women are highly appreciative of the leadership style of the governor. Hon Chukwujiwu Chidera; Youth Leader Isiobishi CGC; the youths of Isiobishi are very appreciative of the administration of Gov. Rochas Okorocha. They are particularly happy about the completion and handing over the modern primary school built by the Owelle administration. The youths appreciate much the stipend to school pupils which motivates the pupils to go to school. Furthermore, the youths are happy that the community had paid the N250,000.00 as demanded by the State government from each autonomous community for CGC and Isiobishi had received the N1m from the government. CGC is set up to help bring development to the grassroots and ensure there is peace in our local communities. I urged all the youths of Isiobishi to always explore their potentials and get themselves meaningfully engaged and this is the target of the CGC. Hon. Chief Sabinus Osuji, CLO Isiobishi CGC; Gov. Rochas Okorocha has done very well by using CGC government to ensure that development gets to the rural communities. The building of 12 standard classrooms block which has been handed over Isiobishi community. The tarring of many roads that passed Isiobishi community with drainages has never been so since the past 12 years of democracy. Gov Okorochas administration has restored peace in Isiobishi by ending the crisis that wanted to tear the community apart. Today there is peace and unity in Isiobishi thereby ensuring security in the community. Chief Simon Emerenu Mezie from Umuihe Nkalu. I make bold to say that my community has benefited from the CGC as the Rescue Mission administration has made it possible for every child regardless of the financial status of Child’s parent to attend school with clean uniform books and study in a modern school blocks that can be seen in developed cities. Building of solid tarred roads in the local communities is a thing that has not been experienced before in this community and my village. Gov Okorocha’s administration has shown us how a governor ought to governor his people CGC has given us the opportunity to look at the needs of the community and no longer what the government wants for the people. Chief Ignatius Abiazie Unamba, from Amugbara Village posted that the introduction of CGC has proved to be very good as it affords the rural community to be part of the development of their communities. In the past he remarked the N1m given to our community should have been paid into the Local Government coffers which will not get to the community. He maintained that the CGC has brought development to the community going by what is happening in my community. The modern primary school built for us is the first of its kind. Chief Simon Chukwujiwu from Duru Ojimadu; He opined that CGC should be supported because it has for the first time given the rural people the opportunity to be part of developing their place. Again Chief Chukwujiwu revealed that CGC has brought development to the grassroots and this will fast track development of the rural development. According to him no local government can effectively oversee all the villages in the rural community. He stressed that with the introduction of CGC any community that fails to help to develop their area should be blamed. Chief Chkwujiwu disclosed that CGC officials in Isiobishi are really working as expected. Chief Nze Livinus Ajonwa from Umungo; To him the dividend of CGC is now really in his community. He even acknowledged that the leadership style of the executive of CGC his Isiobishi community is quite encouraging and expressed no doubts that they will perform. For Mrs Stella Ugwunuiji from Umugba village; CGC has given the women the voice to contribute to the development of the community and our their views on certain issues are respected This is the first of such opportunity and I advise the women to give their support to the present government to make Gov. Okorocha to succeed because he thinks well for the women and we like the government. Barr Sir. Ukomadu; CGC has stand out Gov. Okorocha’s administration as very unique because it has touched even the poor. It has given all a say in the development of their community. CGC is the most appropriate thing that has given people the opportunity to make their collective efforts.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 14:04:38 +0000

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