CHAMBER WEB NUMBERS GROW SIGNIFICANTLY: The Northeast Kingdom Chamber web site has always been in the top searches in the region for visitor traffic but new web numbers indicate that local traffic is equally as strong. Web numbers for the last few years for nekchamber indicate the site is as popular with residents seeking services as it is for visitors seeking tourism information. For 2014, overall visitors to the site jumped 31 percent, a significant increase from the 17-percent bump last year. Unique visitors, usually tourists who have either never or seldom been to the site, rose an impressive 34 percent, a 14-point gain from 2013. One of the main goals of this site when it was developed was to become the ‘go-to’ place for events, activities and business information in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom. It has certainly become that, with web traffic from St. Johnsbury, Lyndon and Newport showing gains of 65 percent or more from the same period last year. For the second straight year, mobile and tablet visits to the site grew incredibly, up 85 percent from 2013 for smart phones and 65 percent for tablets. Desktop increases jumped a respectable 17 percent.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 20:59:46 +0000

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