CHAMPIONS 4 EVERYDAY LIFE 12/03/14 FIND OUT WHAT EVERY 2014 JAMB STUDENT AND UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT SHOULD KNOW. Theres something greater than hard work in life. I can remember so well that during my Postume, I was not there the first time my name was called so I had to wait. When they finished all the names, they had to start again and by the time I was to enter the hall, the hall was already filled up. As I was walking towards my seat I saw the kind of crowd in that hall. The fact was that I became afraid and heading to my seat I was sweating. I sat down and know right inside me that if am to write that exam in that mood, failure is waiting for me. I simply bent down and began to cry out to God to come and see me through. I remember as I spoke in tongues, the only thing I was calling for was for the GRACE of God to see me through. As I finished praying for grace I knew I got back my confidence and I began to talk to two people beside me telling them about faith in the grace of God. ( Thanks be to God that those two people made it with me to study law). Beloved theres something about the grace of God that hardwork cannot replace. Dont only depend on your reading ability, dont ever forget the grace ability. That grace ability is what makes you different from others. Tap into this secret today and see a difference in your life. Remember the bible says the race is not for the swift. In the school parlance you have to understand that the best score is not for the highest JACKERS but for those who jack and also cry out for the grace of God. May his grace see us through in Jesus name. Forward and share with friends. Invite them to our group on facebook. Simply search for CHAMPIONS 4 EVERYDAY LIFE DEVOTIONALS to join. Have a nice day.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 07:49:24 +0000

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