CHAMPIONS 4 EVERYDAY LIFE 13/03/14 FIND OUT THE SIMPLE WAY TO ACTIVATE GRACE TO START WORKING IN YOUR LIFE. When you dont pray in life, you remain a prey. If you really understand grace, you will do everything to activate it working in your life. One of those that enjoyed so much of Gods grace was David. Watching Davids life you will see he has one essential quality in life. Thats the ability to go to God in prayer. One of the best way to activate grace working in your life is through prayers. What is your prayer life like? Is it going down because there are so may books to read, all so many work to accomplish. Is there anything taking you away from prayer? Whatever that succeeds to take away your prayer life has succeeded in taking away grace working in your life. When theres no grace there can be no difference in what you do but if you want to make a difference in life, you need grace and if grace must flow you must always pray. Have you prayed today??? Remember Heaven is real, live right. Forward and share with friends. Invite them to our group on facebook. Simply search for CHAMPIONS 4 EVERYDAY LIFE DEVOTIONALS to join. Have a nice day.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 07:37:06 +0000

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