CHAMPIONS 4 EVERYDAY LIFE 17/01/14 HOW TO OVERCOME OBSTACLES TOWARDS YOUR DREAMS AND GAIN DISCIPLINE TO SEE IT COME TO PASS. No opposition can stop the spoken words regarding to the dreams of your heart. In the journey of life leading to our destiny, so many has lost focus in acheiving their destiny, so many others has lost the passion to give it their all, while others have lost enthusiasm because of the frustrations that have circled their journey en route to their destiny. All this has happened because you have not placed your dream to be accountable. MAKING YOUR DREAMS ACCOUNTABLE:Have you ever thought about why Joseph was able to endure all the trials and frustrations that came en route to his destiny, the simple answer was because he made his dreams accountable to his family especially to his brothers and because of his ego, he endured trials and overcame temptations trying to thwart his dreams away, knowing at least because of his brothers he cant fail. Joseph had a dream twice and shared it with his brothers. Its one thing to have a dream, and its another thing to share the dream. Many people because of the fear that they dont know if they will accomplish their dreams refuse to talk about it, but quote me Many has had unfufilled dreams and goals because it was just in their heart and has not been spoken out. When you speak out your dreams, telling it to some few people, this people holds you accountable and this feeling that some people are looking up to you to see if you will achieve what you have said gives you the discipline to accomplish what youve said. Joseph knew that he has said something to his brothers, and must beat all the odds to fufill that dream, and he did. Understand if something is not inspiring you, you might lose focus and passion about your dreams. I love giving people high expectations of me, even if I later failed. One thing will be sure that I tried my best. The summary is that I have already told some people that I will make 9As in my courses this semester and this people cant wait to see me fail and that should teach me to always read and if by the end of the semester I wasnt able to acheive 9As, but watch it, it wouldnt be far from the best because peoples expectations of me gave me the discipline to fight and give it all for my dreams. In a nutshell, Aim for the skys, even if you fail, you will land among the stars. Never forget our journey on this earth, the perfect destination is heaven. Leave right to make heaven. Forward and share with friends. Invite them to our group on facebook. Simply search for CHAMPIONS 4 EVERYDAY LIFE DEVOTIONALS to join. Its well with you.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 05:04:22 +0000

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