CHAMPIONS 4 EVERYDAY LIFE 22/01/14 AT A TIME LIKE THIS, READ THIS STORY AND SHARE WHAT YOU FEEL By three methods we may learn wisdom: First by reflection which is noblest; second by imitation which is easiest and third by experience, which is the bitterest. CONFUCIUS It has been said that Experience is the best teacher? There are so many who believes that this is true. A lady once lived a promiscuous life, where she got infected with HIV but was given a boost that with adequate care she can live for a long period of years but as God may have it, she was divinely healed. At a point she came out and said experience has taught me that theres no gain in the lust of the flesh. You will agree with me that this lady has been taught by experience and might go on to benefit and live the best of life. DOES THIS MAKE EXPERIENCE THE BEST TEACHER? For me I believe experience is the worst teacher and never try to live your life from personal experience rather live your life learning from other peoples experience. The best way to live is to study peoples experience and apply it to your personal life so as not to make the same mistake they did. The vernon law says that Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson after words and sometimes many people never live to face the lesson of their experience. I believe the best form of life is to learn the test experience has given to others and also apply the lessons to your life so you dont fall a victim of the same thing. I dont believe that direct experience is the best teacher but Indirect experience of other peoples experience is the best teacher. I still love what my friend said: Direct experience can still be good when it is a pull of risk and it brings the best result when you survive. It brought the best result For the lady because she had to repent from all her past but never live your life to chance because in your own case you might not survive to tell the experience. Check your life today, are there somethings going on in your life that seems you might soon have a personal terrible experience? Chances are that you might not survive it. Its better to live wisely. Remember, the worst experience of all where your given the benefit to live out your experience but still in everlasting anguish is experience in Hell fire. Check your life today and know where your heading to... Forward and share with friends. Invite them to our group on facebook. Simply search for CHAMPIONS 4 EVERYDAY LIFE DEVOTIONALS to join. Have a wonderful day.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 04:42:28 +0000

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