CHANGE! IT’S ALL ABOUT OUR ABILITY, OR NOT, TO CHANGE… The season’s change, our children change, the weather changes, our bodies change… why is it that we human beings resist changing our attitudes and beliefs when things so obviously are not working for us? I’ve believed for a long time now, that illness starts usually in the mind and emotions. “First it’s a thought, and then it’s an action”. The stresses and worries and childhood issues and relationship problems and work problems ALL contribute to a suppression of the immune system that brings about an illness related to specific organs. In Chinese medicine every emotion has a corresponding organ that relates to it. We support these organs in a healthy positive way or we deplete them with our diets and our thoughts and our emotions. We deposit every day (every moment) into our Health bank or we withdraw. When we choose to address and CHANGE our potentially debilitating ‘issues’, we are doing our best to sustain our precious Health. When we ignore the small prods that become the large prods that become the shove that becomes the smack over the head with the piece of 4” x 2” we set ourselves up for some sort of illness. And it seems that the more effective we are at ignoring the changes that need to occur, the stronger the illness becomes. As we gain more years everyone starts to see more illness manifesting around them. Parents age and friends and family start to falter under the loads they’ve imposed upon themselves. Usually it’s around the 50-60 years of age mark that illnesses start to manifest more strongly (but many small symptoms express themselves earlier). The years of unhealthy diets and unhealthy attitudes and ignoring Life’s ‘issues’, manifest into cancers of every sort, and tumours, and mental breakdowns… the list goes on. And because every Body is different, everybody has their own specific illness manifesting. Family members and partners will inevitably have different sorts of illnesses because we’re different Beings, with different D.N.A and different constitutions, etc. But none of these things are necessary, as long as we accept and embrace CHANGE. Change your diet. Change your attitudes. Change your beliefs. Change your Lifestyle. Change your work. Change anything that makes you unhappy or stressed or that drains you on any level. The interesting thing is that intuitively we know what we need to do, but we resist it, unwilling to Change. Fear of change is killing us, and our Planet too. We are all living unsustainably. The effects of our choices are obvious. But they can all be healed with Change. What’s to lose? What’s to gain is the question… A long happy Healthy Life??
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 01:07:47 +0000

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