CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION AND IT WLL AFFECT YOUR LIFE POSITIVELLY. Sister why is it that your Facebook postings are all provocative? Why are all your songs quarrel songs? Why do think that everyone is against you? Why are living with guilty conscience at all time? Do you know that it is not healthy to live like that? YOU ARE HOW YOU FEEL, WHAT YOU SEE AND SAY TO YOURSELF. Nobody can change you, except you accept the picture you have about yourself in people’s eyes. You can never become better by having bitter approach in in life. If we are going to walk in true spiritual authority, we must not allow anyone to enslave us, take advantage of us, exalt himself, or seek to control us through intimidation or humiliation. Imagine feeling trapped in an unsatisfying existence. Wasting your precious time doing things that you really don’t want to be doing. Being afraid to express your uniqueness. Having fun on the weekends then dreading the upcoming week. Maybe you don’t have to imagine it; maybe your life is just like mine was, few moments of satisfaction drowned out by a constant grind of work that doesn’t fulfil you. Then something hit me. It was a proverbial hammer to my head. I’d heard it before, but it had never sunk in. Then, as if out of nowhere, a voice in my head spoke loudly and clearly “DISCOVER who you truly are and fully give every aspect of your uniqueness to the world. This is your path to an extraordinary life.” I followed this wisdom as if my life depended on it. And I can tell you that my life has changed for the better since I followed this guidance. I can tell you without any doubt that the greatest piece of wisdom that I’ve discovered in my life thus far is this: Having a personal relationship with MY MAKER. Knowing what you were born to be .And embracing your uniqueness, by trying to be you in the eyes of Jesus your maker If you want to live an extraordinary life it is imperative that you know who you truly are, and to do so you must explore who you truly are. The universe exist to give us Life and to mature that Life .It is designed to provide for us ,protect us, to awe us and to teach us. It’s also here to support us of our preparation towards eternity. One of the things it teaches us is how to see through the Heavens eye, to receive with Heavens hearts and to operate with the Heavens ways. In every circumstances of our lives if we can see it through the heavens eyes, we will not be overwhelmed. These 6 questions changed my life forever. They will also change your life forever by allowing you to find your true self, and in doing so, discover why you’ve been born into this great world. I’m not talking about the “self’” that others demand you to be or the self that acts a certain way to fit in and conform to what society accepts. I’m talking about the true you—(The Image of God)the you who wants to authentically express your special and unique qualities to the world. By answering these questions you will discover your unique passions, strengths, values, desires, and motivations, which are all yearning for your expression. You have a unique purpose. Discovering the answers to these questions will allow you to align yourself with that purpose and bring real fulfilment into your life. Self-knowledge is the greatest knowledge that you will ever acquire. Why? Because your ability to fulfil your unique internal drive will determine your ability to fulfil your potential, which in turn determines the quality of your life. Mat.16: 13 When Yeshua /Jesus came into the territory around Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples “Who are people saying the Son of Man is? The questions below are designed to help to know yourself deeply and find what is truly important to you. We all have an unexpressed potential; the exercises are specifically designed to help you find yours. 1. What do I absolutely love in life? List anything that you love in this life and the people in your life. Think about any activities that get you excited and enthusiastic and make you feel most alive. This can be absolutely anything: music, sports, cooking, teaching others, learning, watching movies—anything. Within your love for these things lies deep passion. See them in the sight of your maker. Does He affirms it? 2. What are my greatest accomplishments in life so far? List all of the moments that you are proud of as well as the times that you’ve succeeded. To have accomplished these, you would have used some of your key strengths. See if you can identify why you succeeded. Also, list any activities, hobbies, or anything else that you do that you complete with ease. Within these lie greatest strengths.Then ask yourself how does my saviour feels about these things ? 3. What would I stand for if I knew no one would judge me? List everything that you would do if you weren’t afraid, even your wildest dreams. This will help you discover your greatest values, and will help you to live for eternal purposes. Imagine there is no Heaven, imagine there is no hell, and imagine there is no accountability in life. 4. If my life had absolutely no limits and I could have it all and do whatever I wanted, what would I choose to have and what would I choose to do? Describe your ideal lifestyle. List what you would do throughout the day if you knew that you were bound to be successful, what kind of person you would be, how much money you would earn, and where you would live. This question allows you to realize who you would truly want to be if there were no limits. By aligning with this you can begin working towards the life that you truly want to create. Know that you wouldn’t have a desire if you didn’t also have the ability to fulfil it. 5. What would I do if I had one billion dollars? List everything that you would really love to do if you had all the money in the world. Okay, so you would probably travel the world, buy a house or two, and give some money to your family. Then what would you do with your time? This question helps you to think without limitations. When we are able to remove limitations and boundaries, we can discover what we really want to do. Imagine we have everything for ourselves. That we are not mere caretakers and that we are not temporally here on earth. 6. Who do I admire most in the world? List your greatest inspirations and the qualities that you admire about these people. Think about what really inspires you in this world. What you admire about others is also a quality that is in you. Know that you admire someone because they have similar qualities to you. Taking the time to answer these question will change your life. The more that you can implement your passions, strengths, values, desires, and motivations into your days, the happier your life will become! You can study to become a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or anything else, but this knowledge will only take you so far. Meanwhile, discovering the deep wisdom of self-knowledge will ensure that your life is far more meaningful and fulfilling. I’ve got a feeling that is what Einstein meant when he said “Information is not knowledge. ”But what did Jesus says about these answers? The most valuable knowledge that you will ever discover is, and always will be, within. Prov.3 5 Trust in LORD with all your heart; do not rely on your own understanding.6 In all your ways acknowledge him; then he will level your paths.7 Don’t be conceited about your own wisdom; but fear JESUS, and turn from evil. 8 This will bring health to your body and give strength to your bones Jesus the wisdom In proverbs 8 :17 I love those who love me; and those who seek me will find me. 18 Riches and honour are with me, lasting wealth and righteousness. 19 My fruit is better than gold, fine gold, my produce better than the finest silver. 20 I follow the course of righteousness long the paths of justice, 32 “Therefore, children, listen to me: happy are those who keep my ways. 33 Hear instruction, and grow wise; do not refuse it.34 How happy the person who listens to me, who watches daily at my gates and waits outside my doors. 35 For he who finds me find life and obtains the favour of ADONAI. 36 But he who misses me harms himself; all who hate me love death. STOP FOCUSING ON WHAT YOU DONT HAVE AND BE GREATFUL WITH WHAT YOU HAVE.NEVER ALLOW ANYTHING, ANY REASON,ANY INFORMATION,TO BRING YOU DOWN. I WAS ONCE COMPLAINIG ABOUT MY OLD CAR, UNTIL I PICKED A FRIEND TO WORK,WHO EVEN DONT HAVE A DRIVING LICENCE.I WAS COMPLAIN ABOUT MY SHOES,UNTIL I MET A MAN WITHOT LEGS,I WAS COMPLAINIG ABOUT MY WIFE,UNTILL I SAW A VERY HUNDSOME,WELL EDUCATED THAN ME .WHO CANNOT KEEP A RELATIONSHIP.WHAT IS YOUR STORY ? BE GREATFUL TO GOD; BECAUSE HE IS PERFECT IN ALL HIS WAYS.YOU HAVE SOMTHING UNIQUE. That can be connected through seeing things in the eyes oh HEAVE
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 09:56:57 +0000

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