CHANGING THOUGHT FREQUENCY AND HEALING AND LOVE Similar to Radio station. how we would tune our internal radio station to a certain channel, you can change your station of your thinking pattern to a more healing frequency. The highest broadcast is one of lightness, joy, freedom, love, unity, authenticity and vulnerability. From playing the thoughts you find on these stations, you are broadcasting healing feelings throughout the body from the radio tower in your brain. The most powerful thing you can do is hold an intention that you are going to heal your life in a certain amount of time. Feel into what amount of time is right for you. It must feel not too short or too long, yet just enough time that creates an excitement AND a relaxation in the body and mind. When you hold this intention sacred everyday, you generate an energetic field around the body that magnetizes positive situations, people, foods, supplements or environments that create an even stronger positive effect on your system. When enough healing momentum is formed you will feel a positive energetic shifts inside, which soon will take effect on your physical form. As the body’s cells change, you will find yourself releasing unpleasant emotions such as shame, guilt, anger, fear and even false pride. We are a psycho-emotional organism, where our emotional, mental and physical body are deeply intertwined. When one aspect is transformed, it impacts the others as well. This means we must give up harmful energetic habits such as criticizing ourselves, blaming ourselves, judging ourselves, withdrawing from our loved ones, hiding our light from the world, punishing ourselves, attacking ourselves and so on. These harmful behaviors will soon be outweighed by the positive, when enough relaxation is experienced with the positive feelings welcomed in. Self love is not a hard thing to do, its simply a matter of looking at your true self and stop seeing you as this false self. The false self is the limited one, who struggles, works overtime, and doesn’t believe it is enough. It doesn’t feel lovable, worthy of love or able to give and receive love. It simply doesn’t believe in love at all, and is protecting itself from love, to remain in control at all costs. When we give up on this false way of being, we give ourselves space to discover our true self, which is directly tuned into our soul body. We know we are connected when we feel unconditional acceptance, openness, love, joy, peacefulness curiosity, compassion, and reverence for ourselves, just the way we are. It feels natural to forgive ourselves, be kind to ourselves, love every aspect of ourselves, and have compassion for the state we were once in. “Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is.” ~ Gary Zukav If you have trouble loving you, or finding someone out there who really loves you, think about someone or anyone from your past who gave you an experience of being accepted or lovable. Perhaps it was a smile from your grandma, or a neighbor brought your family cookies one day. Any loving event is enough to open the door to finding that love within yourself and begin healing your life with. When you harness memories that build positive energy in your emotional body, your mind tends to gather a string of similar events in your database. By writing down all the memories you have of giving love to others, accepting love from others, trusting yourself and others, you increase your vibration and feel more at ease. Dis-ease cannot energetically stay in a body that is filled with joy and ease. The vibration of love has been scientifically proven to alter the shape and structure of physical molecules such as water. According to current scientific studies, water molecules are directly effected by the words, sounds and thoughts they are exposed to. Since your physical body is made up of more than 70% water, it is continuously impacted by the vibrations of negative or positive words you send into it. The alternative healing community accepts that the vibration of love will literally create a physical healing in your body. It may take 3 days, to 6 weeks, to 6 months or several years for the change to happen, all depending on your willingness to let go of control and resistance to love, and allow in all the light loving healing feelings you can give to yourself. The more you love you, the healthier you will be and the more energy you will instantly feel. You will know you are healing, as you will naturally feel more energized, alive, and happier as you continue to bathe your cells to the healing energy of self-LOVE
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 03:10:57 +0000

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