CHAOS, PANIC, DISARRAY, AND WARNINGS TO STAFF NOT TO TALK TO QBRC, AS ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE AT AVENTAS. CIC received more than 30 calls last night from workers who are at breaking point as they reveal that working in Aventas currently is more akin to being imprisoned in a concentration camp in North Korea than the company that they have worked in for years. The following is a summary of questions and issues raised by these employees: 1 Do the bondholders, the Government, the local politicians, Unite Union, the PSNI, Gardai and the board of Aventas know just how scandalous the situation is, what workers are being subjected to, what assets are still allegedly being sold and hidden, why there is allegedly such desperation to get rid of damning evidence such as deleting files, dismantling computer hard drives etc., why company cars are being taken away in haste on low-loaders without keys, why workers are being warned not to talk to QBRC (when Aventas is supposed to be working with QBRC?) 2 Who all is aware of this and who is facilitating it? What about duty of care to employees? How ironic it would be if Arlene Foster, who in good faith, fell for and supported Paul OBriens stories, discovers that the PSNI could be investigating the company for fraud in a year or two! 3 Why are workers having to hear and witness shouting hysteria between a man who is said to know where the bodies are buried and a member of management who tried to shut him up and get him into a room where the smutty details of cover up after cover up are said to have been thrashed out with the hope that they could not be heard by intimidated workers? 4 Why is there a delay in finalizing the QBRC deal? Is it to give more time to hide or destroy all evidence of wrong doing, or to siphon off more assets, or is it both? What is Floods role, if any in destroying the evidence? We all remember the connection between Floods and Paul OBrien. What happens when details are demanded for the procedure that was/ was not followed when selecting Flood for the IT contract and how did their enormous price compare with others who applied for the contract? 5 What if the workers who were paid enormous sums to keep their mouths shut, squeal, as the reality begins to dawn on them that they were the puppets used in a very elaborate and expensive alleged scam and fraud? 6 If there is no cover-up, why are staff who worked with the QBRC guys for many years in the past, now not allowed to talk to them, their former colleagues? Is it not because the workers are not fools and they know exactly what went on and is going on, and is this not an act of sheer desperation to cover tracks and hide wrong -doing by Aventas Management to try to prevent the awful truth from emerging. 7 What is the bullying policy at Aventas and particularly in relation to isolating workers? What is the Health and Safety Policy? What about employees rights to a safe and intimidation- free work environment and how can this be reconciled with the sheer chaos, mental torture and unbearable stress that is being currently inflicted on ordinary workers? 8 What about the accountants whose licence to practice may be compromised when examined by the Accountancy Regulatory Body? 9 What about the creditors and the enormous amounts of money owed by Aventas? 10 What about the fact that debts were settled at unprecedented low and unsustainable figures and was that done to damage QBRC before they even got started? 11 What about the fact that Aventas promised and boasted that 2014 would be a great year for the company, and it should have been due to very favourable exchange rates, so what went wrong there and what excuse will they give for further abismal figures? How will the stock be explained? When, oh When is this madness going to end and how will an exercise which we were informed would protect all the jobs, ensure that the Quinn Group was not broken up and sold off in pieces for at least 5 years, be explained when the wheels finally come off the wagon, and off they almost are, as the enormity of the alleged wrong doing comes back to bite and the once prosperous, reputable and friendly Quinn Group now resembles panic driven desperation in the Wild West. CIC has been informed of the above allegations by dozens of workers who have contacted us (indeed hundreds over the last few weeks), as we depend on them for accuracy of allegations and have no reason whatsoever to believe that they are telling anything other than the truth. CIC is not in a position to confirm or deny some of the allegations but we strongly recommend that those who can be charged with facilitating such alleged gross misconduct take action and investigate matters for themselves. CIC has also been contacted by many local residents who fear for their lives, their peace and their sanity in the current climate of fear, intimidation, uncertainly and downright thuggery in what they now describe as bandit country.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 11:57:26 +0000

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