CHAPTER 1: As the Job Seeker | Sebagai si Pencari Kerja Job - TopicsExpress


CHAPTER 1: As the Job Seeker | Sebagai si Pencari Kerja Job Seeker: A brief Q & A Thread For sharing and education purpose, and to help the Job Seeker get a closer look to the path and life of a cabin attendant, heres another look on a brief Q & A Thread between a blogger and a cabin attendant who works for Emirates Air that I copy-paste from: The Q & A done here pretty much sums up what we, cabin attendant, would have on a standard and normal life style. Here goes: Q: How did you get into the job? A: I applied online, at the Emirates Group careers website. Then I went to an open day in Brisbane, did a few rounds of group activities, some little tests, and then I got the position. There are about five different rounds I had to go through. We did group activities, a “reach test” to ensure youre a certain height, and they see how you interact with other people. Then they sent me over to Dubai and set me up with a house. Q: Whats your favorite stopover destination? A: I love the beach destinations. I love Nice, and Mauritius, the Seychelles. We stay right on the beach in the Seychelles and Mauritius, its amazing. Theyre really nice hotels. Q: What does the cabin crew get up to on a stopover? A: I try to get out and do things. In Mauritius last time our whole cabin crew, about 16 of us, hired a catamaran for the day and went snorkeling, walked in a rainforest... It was a really good day. We generally try to do things together. Q: Whats the weirdest request youve had from a passenger? A: I had one guy ask for a whiskey on the rocks with no ice. I had to try not to laugh. Im like, Do you want ice or without? You just have to be polite and not laugh in those situations. Q: How do you deal with jet-lag? A: Its good to have a regular gym or sporting regimen, because then you can tire yourself out a bit. That helps, and eating healthy is a big thing as well. When we first joined with Emirates we did a little nutrition thing, and talked about coping with jet-lag. Exercise was always a big thing. Its also good to have some milk before you go to sleep because its got melatonin in it. Q: Whats the biggest misconception about your job? A: Were very hard working for most of the flight – people sometimes think that were just sitting down in the back most of the time. But were literally going the whole time. On a long-haul flight we might get a little bit of a break to sleep in the bunks, but the rest of the time were working. On a Sydney to Dubai flight, we would probably get around a two-and-a-half-hour break, and would be working for the rest of the flight. Q: Whats the best and worst airport youve been to? A: If you want to go duty free shopping, Dubai is pretty spectacular. Weve got our own terminal for Emirates, and its huge. Massive. We dont really go to any dodgy airports, but I guess some of the smaller ones in Africa just dont have much there. Places like Accra and Nairobi. They just dont have as much to offer as other airports. Q: You live in Dubai – whats good to do there? A: I love shopping, and Dubai has great shopping. My favorite spot is Dubai Mall, which has got 1200 shops. There are also some nice restaurants in Dubai, so we usually go out for dinner. Q: Cabin crew on planes always seems to look calm, even in heavy turbulence. Do you ever worry about safety? A: I think its because our training is so in-depth. We have live simulators in Dubai, which is exactly like a plane. So they give you [emergency] scenarios in there and you have to react to them. Youll have to do firefighting ... we even have a firefighting room where we have to put out live fires. I guess it makes you more relaxed when you have to deal with it in real life. We practice evacuations, going down the slides, rejected take-offs and landings ... it makes you more relaxed. Q: Are you guys trained to deal with drunken passengers? A: We do learn how to deal with those types of passengers. It happens on the odd occasion, people like to have a couple of drinks. But we have procedures and they do work. Q: Finally, do you ever watch Air Crash Investigations? A: Yeah I do! It doesnt bother me. Ive never really had a bad flight; our flights are always really smooth. So it doesnt really scare me, I find it really interesting. >> The interviewer of this Q & A thread then ask his reader this: And now, over to you, readers - would you ever want to work as a cabin crew?
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 17:17:57 +0000

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