CHAPTER 1……. It was a bright saturday morning on the 7th - TopicsExpress


CHAPTER 1……. It was a bright saturday morning on the 7th of september 2013. Akinola oluwasegun was walking along a popular street in Ibadan, Oyo state. He was dressed in a white T-shirt and a black pant trouser and a black vickers shoe. He was on his way to Loyola College, a government owned secondary school around Agodi gate GRA Ibadan for his WAEC GCE exam. He entered into the school compound and walked towards the school building. Being his first paper English Language, he had no idea of where the examination hall was situated. So, he had to ask for help from other candidates who had come the previous days for chemistry practicals and Commerce. He walked up to a girl seated on the staircase reading to ask for the help. “Hello, good morning.” he greeted. “Good morning.” she replied. “Please, are you here for exam?” he asked. “Yeah.” she replied. “Okay. Please, which way is the examination hall.” He asked. “I don’t know. This is my first time here.” She answered. (disappointed) “Okay, lets ask others the way to the exam hall.” He adviced. “Okay.” She replied standing up and dusting her skirt. *TEN MINUTES LATER* The invigillator walked into the exam hall carrying a green sack with the inscription; WEST AFRICAN EXAMINATION COUNCIL. No 62. He was accompanied by five teachers of the school. A laptop was removed and with a thumb printing device attached to it. “Line up for your biometrics.” one of the teachers barked. After the completion of the biometrics. The candidates were asked to sit down according to their numbers. The answer booklets and the question papers were first distributed before the attendance was marked. The paper lasted two and a half hours. The paper ended by 11:30am and they were given 3hours break before the commencement of the paper 2&3(objectives & the Test of Orals respectively). Outside the examination hall, students were seen in group, some in fours, in fives and so on discussing and arguing over the just concluded paper. Oluwasegun(segun for short) wast sitting alone under a big three near the school football pitch. He was flipping through the pages of the WAEC English language past question. Just then someone tapped him from behind. He looked up and saw his cousin Omolayo Akinola. He stood up and hugged her. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “I came to greet my friends writing their exam here. She answered. “Where is your centre?” “Ikolaba grammar school.”she replied. “Most of my friends are in that centre.”he said. “Are you the only one here?” she asked. “Yes, am the only one here from my school.”he answered. “You must be feeling lonely o.”she said. “Yeah”……… The gisted for like ten minutes before Omolayo stood up to go, “Let me introduce you to my friends over there.” she said pointing to a group of 2 boys and 4 girls gisting. He stood up and followed her towards the group. Immediately they saw them approach they stopped talking. “Where have you been? One of her friends jummy asked Omolayo suspiciously. Ignoring her question. “Meet my cousin, Segun. Segun meet my friends.” she introduced. “Hi guys.” he greeted. “Hi.” They chorused. They all hung around till it was 1:30pm, 30minutes before the next paper. “Bro, i think we should get going so, we won’t be late.” Omolayo said. “Alright, bye. Segun answered. Omolayo left with four of her friends remaining two who were also in segun’s centre. Among which was Jummy. –to be continued–
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 11:49:48 +0000

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