CHAPTER 2 Gabrielle, Aphrodite and Ares prepared for the - TopicsExpress


CHAPTER 2 Gabrielle, Aphrodite and Ares prepared for the long journey back to Japa. Ares snapped his fingers and they disappeared, reappearing at the docks. The easily found a ship headed east and payed to board. Aphrodite tried hard to not complain about the less than adequate accommodations. She was mostly able to stay quiet especially since Ares made a point to give her the “look” every time she pouted. At one point though, Gabrielle heard the goddess pout about her slippers getting wet “Cant you just poof yourselves somewhere more comfortable?” “Unfortunately no.” Ares huffed. It was obvious that he too was uncomfortable. “Im sorry sweetie.” Aphrodites expression showed deep concern. “I shouldn’t complain. Its almost out of habit. We cant go anywhere because our powers will fade the further away from Greece we get. So we would risk not being able to poof back. “What about that time you sent me to Chin?” She paused, a hurt look crossed her face. “When I betrayed Xena.” A tear formed in the corner of her eye. She felt that yet again she had betrayed her best friend, her soul mate. Tears streamed down her pain stricken face. She turned from the gods and marched down to the barracks. Even with tears rolling down her beautiful face she still attempted to put on a strong front. Aphrodite sighed. “ I hope this works bro.” Gabrielle looked over the port side of the ship, close to the bow. Her face was red and stained with tears. The wind disheveled her short golden hair, her eyes lost in deep thought. “Xena,” she sighed deeply as even more tears flooded her eyes, “ Im so sorry.” She whispered to the sea. “Ive betrayed you yet again. I should have protected you, instead I sent you to a torment I cant imagine. I promise I am coming for you. I will bring you back home, and I will make sure you spend eternity in peace.” She straightened herself, trying to muster confidence, and turned. “How long have you been standing there?” “We wanted to check on you.” Ares said sheepishly. Gabrielles sadness was actually concerning him and he wasn’t quite sure how to express himself. “Im fine,” she walked up to him and and wrapped her arms snugly around the God of War, “thank you.” He was shocked. He never thought that the woman who he used to torment Xena, the woman who he used to tempt and deceive, whose family he tortured, could actually show any affection toward him. He awkwardly brought his arms around her and actually managed a warm hug. Gabrielle broke the embrace. “We need a plan.” She led them back to the barracks for a little privacy from the bustling ship hands. “What were you thinking?” Ares asked flopping into one of the hammocks. “We need to find the monks in Higuchi They could possibly help us with their knowledge of the spirit world.” “Sounds like a start.” Aphrodite stated. “After that?” Ares asked folding his arms behind his head to get a better view of Gabrielle. “Depends on what we learn from the monks.” She thought. “We will most likely need to go to where she.” She swallowed the lump forming in her throat. “Where she died.” The journey seemed to take forever to Gabrielle. The knowledge of what was happening to Xena made every moment agonizing. Her sleep was even more fitful, she couldn’t eat without getting sick, and her whole body ached with pain. When they finally got to Higuchi she was sure she would loose it. Just seeing this plaice again pained her to her very soul, deep into her core. They wasted no time heading to the temple.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 02:57:03 +0000

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