* * * * * * * CHAPTER 3, JOHN THE BAPTIST EXCERP OF - TopicsExpress


* * * * * * * CHAPTER 3, JOHN THE BAPTIST EXCERP OF TALMUD OF JMMANUEL youtube/watch?v=FViQZ2KnGC4 youtube/watch?v=xLI_Kitfy9c youtube/watch?v=dJByeRX004M youtube/watch?v=j0IaCbOUXWI youtube/watch?v=m58jF8_KgzI youtube/watch?v=7uU3Ddp6u0o 16. "You brood of vipers, In two times a thousand years You and your followers, Who pursue false teachings out of Your own arrogance in your greed for Power and fortune, shall be vanquished and, On account of your lies, Punished. 17. "So it shall be when humankind begins To comprehend, And when the chaff is separated From the grain. 18. "It will be at the time when Your false teachings Will be laughed at and Humankind discovers the truth. 19. "This will come to pass when Humankind builds singing lights and Chariots of fire, With which they can escape Into the cosmos, As is done by god and his followers, The celestial sons, 20. "Namely those who taught us The wisdom and knowledge Of Creation, 21. "and who urged us to obey The laws of nature and Live according to them. 22. "Oh you renegades, You brood of vipers, Get away from this place, Because you are impure and Cursed in your false teachings. 23. "Get away from this place, Because I can by my own accord baptize you Into repentance only with water; But he who comes after me is stronger than I, And I am not worthy of removing his sandals. He will baptize you with The knowledge of the spirit and With the fire of truth. 24. "He has his winnowing fork In his hand; He will sweep his threshing floor and Gather the wheat into his granary, But he will burn the chaff with Unquenchable fire. 25. "THE LIE CAN NEVER WITHSTAND THE TRUTH, WHICH DESTROYS EVIL IN ITS FIRE." JOHN THE BAPTIST, BY JUDAS ISCARIOT; THE 12TH DISCIPLE OF JMMANUEL TAKEN FROM EXCERPT OF TALMUD OF JMMANUEL JMMANUEL, THE 5TH GREAT PROPHET OF TRUTH Source: BILLY, THE 7TH GREAT PROPHET OF TRUTH FIGU.org, TheyFly = = = Mr. Javier V. Maldonado Alliance for responsible humankind on Earth & DERN Universe! Telephone (0051) 9970-24-006, LIMA-PERÚ. javiermaldonadotrevinos@hotmail FIGU.org, Billy Meier, Switzerland; theyfly, Michael Horn, USA. futureofmankind.co.uk/billy_meier/goblet_of_truth steelmark.websitetoolbox/post?id=2895459 * * * * * * *
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 22:46:32 +0000

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