CHAPTER 7- PARAYAN OF THIS CHAPTER- FOR GAINING SCHOLORSHIP SREEPADA SREEVALLABHA CHARITAMRUTAM The description of Universal Spheres The efficacy of Elixir called Biography of Sreepada Sreevallabha In the morning Tirumala Das completed his daily worship and began to narrate, “My child! Shankarbhatt! THE DIVINE LIFE HISTORY OF SREEPADA SREEVALLABHA IS A DIVINE ELIXIR. IT IS UNHEARD OF, UNPRECEDENTED, AND UNDEBATABLE.“YOU HAD THE GOOD FORTUNE OF WRITING HIS BIOGRAPHY ONLY ON ACCOUNT OF THE BOUNDLESS GRACE OF SRI SREEPADA SREEVALLABHA ON YOU. THIS GREAT FORTUNE, WHICH IS NOT AVAILABLE EVEN TO GREAT SCHOLARS, IS GRANTED TO YOU. THIS IS ONLY HIS WILL.” The appearance of Sreepada in many places at the same time. After he got out of death the attractive power of Narasaavadhaani decreased. In the past, when he was thinking of any person in his meditation, that person used to arrive without fail to the presence of Narasaavadhaani irrespective of the distance involved. That power had diminished. Those people who were afraid of him and those who showered him with all praise were not afraid of him. They were troubling him with all sorts of criticism whenever an opportunity arose. His financial position also worsened. Resources for providing two square meals a day also dwindled. He came into street wailing at his miserable condition. At that time Baapanaarya was carrying his grandson on his shoulders. The house of Baapanaarya was situated at the turning of one street. Sree Charan was spending most of His time at His grandfather’s house than His own house. He was going freely to the houses of Sri Narasimha Varma and Sri Pynda Venkatappayya Sresthi. Narasaavadhaani wanted to speak with Sreepada. He wanted to hold that charming divine child in his arms and kiss Him. Narasaavadhaani saw Sreepada who was going with Baapanaarya. Sreevallabha looked at Narasaavadhaani and smiled. That smile was very bewitching. Then Narasaavadhaani went to the house of Sresthi for some grocery items. There Sreepada Vallabha was in the lap of Sresthi. Sreepada extended His looks towards Narasaavadhaani and smiled with dalliance. Narasaavadhaani returned to his home with grocery items and from there went to the house of Narasimha Varma. At that time he saw in the house of Sri Varma that Sreevallabha was sitting on the shoulders of Sri Varma. Again Sreevallabha extended a playful smile on seeing Narasaavadhaani. Narasaavadhaani saw Sreevallabha in the houses of His grandfather, Sri Varma and Sri Sresthi at the same time. He was in a dilemma as to whether it was a dream? Or the illusion of Lord Vishnu? The people of the town were abusing him and finding fault with him. They were blaming him that he was responsible for the disappearance of Self-existent idol of Datta in Paadagaya Kshetra. Narasaavadhaani was roaming in the streets like a traveller without any destination. He reached the house like a mad man. The wife of Narasaavadhaani grieved on seeing her husband like a mad person. She went inside the room of worship to give vent to her agony. She found a wonderful spectacle there! Sreepada Sreevallabha was in their room for worship. There was no end to the joy of those couple. They begged Sreepada to partake to food with thotakura curry to be prepared by them. Sreepada did not agree to that. When factors of time, cause and action become favourable at the same time some rare fortune would be available.A discriminating individual recognises it and derives benefit. An undiscriminating one fails to recognise it and would be put to loss. At last Sreepada agreed to dine in their house but, not in the present life. He promised them that He would be born in the holy land of Maharastra in the next birth under the name of Sri Nrusimha Saraswati, and that He would certainly visit their house and accept meals comprising of thotakura curry. With the powers of His Ganesa incarnation that took place on a Sree Ganesh Chaturdhi, another great person with the name of Gajanan would be born after some centuries nearer to His birth place. It may be possible to change the courses of sun and moon but, it would not be possible for any one to alter the promises of Sreepada. All the living creatures in the creation including the five elements have to obey His commands. In compliance with His promises He is steadfast and truthful. Even when Universes shake, aeons change His sportive leelas still remain ever true and most modern. In that chamber of worship Sreepada gave some beneficial advice to Narasaavadhaani and his wife. Those sacred beneficial preachings are useful to all devotees of Datta. The following conversation took place between Narasaavadhaani and Sreevallabha. The dialogue between Sreepada Sreevallabha and Narasaavadhaani in the ‘Pooja - mandir’. The preachings of Sreepada to Narasaavadhaani. For the Questions of Narasaavadhaani Sree Sreepada Sreevallabha replied with His preachings. Question: Who are you? Are you God? An yaksha (celestial person)? A magician? Reply:I am My-Self! I am I! I am the primordial power that is inborn in every atom in this creation made of five elements! From animals and birds upto the entire countless living creatures I also reside in them in their maternal and paternal forms! I am the preceptor of this total creation! Question: Then are you an incarnation of Lord Datta? Reply: Undoubtedly I am Datta! As you are having body I also come with a body to enable you to recognise Me. In fact I am formless, attributeless. Question: Then you have no form or attributes. Is it not? Reply:To have no form is also a form! To have no qualities is also a quality! I am the base for form and no form; for attributes and non attributes and I am beyond them also! Question: If you are everything why weal and woes to living beings? Reply:Myself and Yourself are within you. Nevertheless ‘ your self’ residing within you is jeeva and ‘Myself’ residing in you is Paramaatma.As long as you entertain the notion of doership you cannot become Me. Till then you cannot come out of pairs of opposites like happiness and misery, sin and virtue.When the ‘you’ in yourself diminish and ‘I’ in you ascend higher –then only you come closer to Me. As you come closer and closer to Me your responsibility decreases. When you are under My care you obtain happiness and well being. Question: Some people say that Jeevaatma and Paramaatma are different. Others are saying that Jeevaatma is very close to Paramaatma. Some others maintain that Jeeva is God. Which of them is correct? Reply:There is no loss if both of us remain separate. Beneficial fortune would accrue when your arrogance is annihilated and both of us remain in a state of duality. You remain in a state of bliss, provided you realise that everything is earned on account of My grace and that you are only an instrumental phenomenon. Liquidation of moha is liberation. Therefore, you can attain salvation even in a dual state. When you are in a very close proximity to Me I will be revealing through you. When all My powers are revealed through you; when your arrogance is destroyed; the ignorant infatuation in you decreases. In this superior non-dualistic state you achieve bliss. This is also liberation because it is devoid of infatuation. When your egotism is totally erased, and your presumption of doership is completely burnt down, the ‘I’ in you fades out and only ‘Me’ remains in you. So you will attain brahmaananda(profound bliss which cannot be comprehended by mind by any means). Therefore, you can achieve liberation even in if you are in a non-dualistic state. The state of brahmaananda is all the same whether you are in a dualistic, non-dualistic, or distinguished dualistic stage of spiritual progress! It cannot be captured by mind or word. It is only a matter of experience. Question: Some people who attained the position of avadhootas call themselves the supreme brahmam. Then are You an Avadhoota? Reply:No. I am not an Avadhoota. I am the Superior Brahmam. An Avadhoota experiences that everything is brahmin, but I am Brahmam and My position is that I am everything. Question: I do not understand the secret in this small difference. Reply:Avadhoota who is freed from all worldly bonds merges in Me and experiences the state of supreme bliss. He has no individuality and when there is no individuality there is no will or resolve. I am in the great resolve for this creation, and I am also in the supreme power. I am in the shape of power of illusion called living creatures. If I order an avadhoota who merged in Me to take birth again he should obey it! Mine is a form of truth, knowledge and bliss coupled with will power. Their form of truth, knowledge and bliss is devoid of will power. Question: Fried up seeds won’t sprout! Is it not? After attaining the knowledge of brahman himself, how is it possible to be born again? Reply:It is of nature’s principle that fried seed would not sprout. However, the power and strength of the creator lies in sprouting up fried seeds. In fact My incarnation in the past took place to prove truth through these theories and counter-theories. Question: Lord Dattaa! Sreepadaa! Kindly explain. Reply:My father who crossed all trios like past future and present; three states of existence; creation, continuance and liquidation; became famous as ‘Sage Atri’. My mother became well known as ‘Anasuya’ because she was not having the slightest envy or hatred towards any creature or any matter. Sage Atri undertook a severe penance to visualise the paramjyoti(a sacred flame) which is the support for the Trinity and also beyond it. Mother Anasuya also did penance praying to the paramjyoti to look at each living being and material with ambrosial glances and shower grace on them. Living beings experience weal and woe according to the principles of karma.Therefore, Mother Anasuya used to pray with a good intention that the results of great sins should affect people slightly and the results of small virtuous acts should give bountiful results. Mother had transformed strong metal pieces in the shape of chick peas into live eatable chick peas by virtue of her spiritual power acquired through penance. Metal is the consciousness in complete dormant state. Trees and tree related substances are consciousness in a partial state. Animals belong to a state of complete consciousness. The evolution of man takes place in the following manner.At first born as metal and then dies; afterwards takes birth as trees and creepers; then takes birth as animals; and finally emerges as a human being. Such a human being should cultivate discrimination, wisdom and detachment and awaken the divine power dormant in him and strive to achieve liberation. Mother had proved that the properties of evolutionary process can be changed with the grace of Almighty. The consciousness in the form of ‘Trinity’ was in an awakened state. Therefore, she changed it into a dormant state and transformed the three God-Heads into small babies. Powers of the three Mothers (Lakshmi, Parvati and Saraswati) combined and the manifestation of Anagha Devi took place. I was born as Dattatreya and married Anagha Devi. In the incarnation of Sreepada Sreevallabha I was born with Anagha Devi on my left side and Dattatreya on my right side. This is a form of Lord Shiva combining half masculine and half feminine features. You must understand that the Lord who created this magnificent creation according to His free Will also has the strength and power to alter the principles of creation when needed. Question: Sreepadaa! You are capable of changing the principles and nature of creation.Can’t You remove my poverty? Reply:Certainly, I can remove but, I am postponing to the next birth; that too after you suffer from penury for some time! Thotakura is a small thing but how much attachment you developed for it? My mother, father or grandfather never begged anyone for anything. How much food a small boy like me will consume? You should have given thotakura when I liked it. Now that time elapsed. This life time is not sufficient to purge the impurities in your mind Each individual would be endowed with life span, wealth, beauty and fame commensurate with his accumulated credit of punya. The fruits of sin would result in short life-span, poverty, ugliness and infamy.I have enhanced the duration of your life by extracting a major portion of your accumulated punya. The credit on account of your punya was largely spent and the sinful portion remained in a large measure. You should suffer poverty. Even then because you have adored Self-existent Datta I am granting you two-square meals a day. You will not get troubled in spite of your poverty. Question: Sreepadaa! Scriptures enjoin that we should follow caste system. Your grandfather decided that vysyas can have investiture of holy thread under vedic system. Is it not wrong? Reply:Your tongue should be slit as you are finding fault with the decision of that ‘Satya Rusheeswara’. Whom do you think is our grand-father? He is actually Bhaskaraacharya. The couple Vishnu Datta and Suseela were very sacred persons who did not know what was selfishness. I instructed the deities of time and action to make Them My Parents. The ancestors of Narasimha Varma were great devotees of Sree Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy. They were pious people who organised large scale food feeding during the sacrifices and rituals in Simhachalam. Even before I was born in Pithikapuram I was planning in a systematic way. My relationship of indebtedness for those three families will not be redeemed in one life. It will not end in one incarnation. My auspicious bestowing boons would be extended to them for many generations. They live without any worry under the shade of My divine canopy. The assurance of Sreepada to His devotees “As far as My matter was concerned, You could not give Me even the cheap thotakura.If you offered Me meals, you could have earned merit equivalent to feeding lakhs of Brahmins.You lost lot of fortune.You should depend upon scriptures when a debate arises as to what is ‘dharma’ and what is ‘adharma’. However, when a doubt arises whether the injunctions of scriptures are to be implemented or not, the decision of pure hearted people is to be regarded as an injunction of scriptures. Whatever they say is vedic truth and their word is acceptable to the tenets of righteousness. Even if they want to pronounce an unrighteous decree, the Goddess of Justice would not allow them to digress into an evil path and compel them to deliver a correct judgement. Your scriptures tell that it is sin to harm others. The battle that was fought in the presence of Lord Sri Krishna is famous as a righteous battle, the place where the battle between Kauravas and Paandavas took place had become famous as ‘Dharmakshetra’! Religious sacrifice gives punya! but, when the supreme Lord Shiva was not invited, the sacrifice performed by Daksha ultimately became a big battle. The head of Daksha was cut and fell. The head of a goat was fixed for him.While there is aggravation of bile the physician would treat the patient with lemon and usiri (acid myrobalam). When a part of the body is putrefied, the surgeon would serve it with a knife and treat it. I am also the same! Features of deities and devils also are within Me. I behave like a lunatic, a ghost and also as a devil. Nevertheless, love towards all living beings would be overflowing within Me. My conduct would be in tune with your nature, the good and bad results of your actions. I will not leave the hands of devotees who rendered total surrender to Me. I will drag My devotees residing in distant lands forcibly to My Kshetra. You should not discuss the origin of sages and rivers.Has not the supreme sakthi taken birth as Kanyaka Parameswari in the vysya caste? There are accomplished siddhas in vysya sages. Not only for brahmin, kshatriya and vysya castes but low caste sudras also are eligible for vedic upanayanam, if they observe spiritual discipline and regulations! The third eye should open up by performance of upanayanam. The inner consciousness should get purified and mind should concentrate on the knowledge of Supreme. Your mind is completely absorbed in the knowledge of vegetables. Do you think that Brahmam is a commodity to be procured in the market? A brahmin in this life may be born as a pariah in the next birth and a pariah in this birth may be born as a brahmin in the next birth. Please note that the Supreme Brahmam transcends time and space; caste and religion.God likes inner feelings and not external appearances. God works according to your feeling.When matters relating to ‘knowledge of Brahma’ come up I am a brahmin. When holding court inquiring the welfare of devotees and granting them favours I am a kshatriya. For every living being a wage would be fixed according to his actions of virtue or sin. The wages of every person are with Me. When I weigh and measure for calculating what is due to every individual, I am a vysya. As I serve people by attracting unto My body, the troubles and pains of my devotees, I am a sudra. When I wash out the sins of living creatures I am a washerman. When I burn the dead ashes and grant them noble births, I am a keeper of burial ground.Now decide and tell me to which caste I belong. Question: Sreepadaa! excuse me. I am an ignorant one. You are Lord Datta Himself! You are the sole refuge for all living creatures. You kindly explain to me how creation is formed. The description of several worlds Reply:Grand Paapaa! There are 88 thousand sages in heaven, who are house holders. They have the nature of transmigration of souls. They stand as seeds for propagating dharma again. From the undefinable power of the universal soul a small fragment took the shape of Brahma for creation of the universe. Water which came out gradually from Paramaatma spread out everywhere. From the vigour of the super soul many crores of golden eggs were formed. This Brahmaandam(Universe) in which we are living is one among them. When the inside of the egg was filled with gloom, the brilliance of ‘Parameswara’ was personified and became famous under the name ‘Aniruddha’. As He illuminated the egg with its magnificent lustre He was termed as ‘Hiranyagarbha’, ‘Surya’, ‘Savita’ and ‘Paramjyothi’ and many other names in vedas. Sage Bharadwaja conducted the sacrifice of Saavitrakaathaka Chayanam during tretaa yuga in Pithikapuram. Saavitrakaathaka Chayanam was addressed to the great splendour of Dattatreya that enveloped many crores of universes. In Satya Loka there is an important place called ‘Niraamaya Sthan’. In three tier steps, deities of manes called ‘Vasurudra Adityas’ reside. They act as the guardians of ‘Niraamaya Sthan’.The‘Kaarana Brahma Loka’ is the residential place of ‘four-faced Brahma’.Sreenagar, which is famously known as the ‘Vidya Sthaanam and the Moola Prakruthi Sthaanam’ (elemental nature’s centre) is above it. Above that ‘Maha Kailas’ is there and the ‘Kaarana Vaikunta’ is above that. Known as Puraanapuram is the place of ‘Vidyadhara Sthan’ in Satya Loka’. ‘Sadhyas’ reside in ‘Anjanaavatipura’ of ‘Tapo Loka’. ‘Sanaka, Sanandana’ and other sages live in ‘Ambaavatipura’ of ‘Jana Loka’. ‘Siddha’ and other sages live in ‘Jyotishmatipuram’ of ‘Mahar Loka’. ‘Indra’ and other deities reside in ‘Amaraavatipuram’ of ‘Swarga Loka Called as Suvar Loka’. The celestial architect ‘Viswakarma’ lives in ‘Radhantarapuram’ of ‘Bhuvar Loka’ –which houses stars and planets of the globe. Grand Paapaa! There are two divisions in Bhoo Loka (the earth). The division inhabited by humans is called ‘Bhoo Gola’. There is another one known as ‘Maha Bhoomi’.Maha Bhoomi is situated at the south of Bhoo Gola at a distance of five crore brahmaanda yojanas. ‘Marthya Loka’ means ‘Bhoo Loka’ and ‘Bhuvar Loka’. This includes ‘Maha Bhoomi’ also. ‘Paataala’ means ‘Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Rasaatala, Talaatala, Mahaatala, Paataalas’. Roughly these are called ‘Swarga, Marthya, Paataalas’. Mahabhoomi is situated below the earth in which we live. It is in the form of a rising circular ground in the middle. Therefore, the illumination from sun and moon constantly light the surface of Mahabhoomi. As there is always light there is no determination of time there. On this great Earth seven seas and seven islands exist. Jambudweepa is situated here only. In the beginning of creation, everything was inundated with water. As ‘Prajaapati’ did penance for commencing creation, a lotus leaf appeared on the water at that time. ‘Prajaapati’ assumed the form of a ‘Wild boar’ and took a dip near the lotus leaf and reached the ‘Maha Bhoomi’. From that Maha Bhoomi He dug with its sharp tusks and separated some mud and brought that wet mud to the surface of the water. That mud was placed in the lotus leaf. Then it was named as ‘Prithivi’. Grand Paapaa! This is called as earth. The earth is at a distance of 5 crore brahmaanda yojanas (one ordinary yojana = 10 miles) from ‘Maha Bhoomi’. ‘Maha Bhoomi’ has an extent of 50 crore yojanas. Jambudweepa which is in ‘Maha Bhoomi’has nine continents in it. Deities reside in ‘Daiva Khanda’. In ‘Garbhasthya Khanda’ spirits; in ‘Bharata Khanda’ human beings reside. In ‘Saraka Khanda’ Siddhas; in ‘Gandharva Khanda’ gandharvas; in ‘Purusha Khanda’ Kinneras dwell. Demons in ‘Tamra Khanda’; Yakshas in ‘Seru Khanda’ and Pannagas in ‘Indu Khanda’ live. Southwards to ‘Jambudweepa’ of ‘Maha Bhoomi’ in Bharatpura of Bharat continent, ‘Vyvasvatamanu’ holds court along with sages of the earth and humans. Just as Jambudweepa exists in Maha Bhoomi another Jambudweepa exists on earth. Even before I incarnated in Sri Pithikapuram, the incarnation of Sreepada Sreevallabha arrived on the Maha Bhoomi 100 years in advance.The Jambudweepa on Maha Bhoomi is spread over an extent of one lakh ‘Brahmaanda Yojanas’. Only in Bharat sub continent of Jambudweepa ‘Vyvasvatamanuvu’ dwells. In other continents celestials reside. In Jambudweepa of Maha Bhoomi cold and heat would be moderate and pleasant. Mild rays of sun spread always, but there is no difference between day and night. Jambudweepa in Maha Bhoomi spreads over one lakh yojanas. The details of the extent of various seas and mountains etc. are as below: Samudrams and Dweepas Distance 1) Lavana Samudram 1 lakh yojanas 2) Plaksha Dweepa 2 lakh yojanas 3) Ikshu Samudram 2 lakh yojanas 4) Kusa Dweepa 4 lakh yojanas 5) Sura Samudram 4 lakh yojanas 6) Krouncha Dweepa 8 lakh yojanas 7) Sarpi Samudram 8 lakh yojanas 8) Sakha Dweepa 16 lakh yojanas 9) Dadhi Sea 16 lakh yojanas 10) Salmalee Dweepa 32 lakh yojanas 11) Ksheera Samudram 32 lakh yojanas 12) Pushkara Dweepa 64 lakh yojanas 13) Pure Water Sea 64 lakh yojanas 14) Chala Chala Mountain 128 lakh yojanas 15) Chakravala Mountain 256 lakh yojanas 16) Lokaaloka Mountain 512 lakh yojanas 17) Tamo Bhoomi 1250 lakh yojanas Rays of sun cannot go beyond Lokaaloka Mountain. Therefore, the area between Lokaaloka Mountain and the wall of the universe is always dark. The wall of the universe has thickness of one crore yojanas. The Varaaha and Narasimha incarnations were not covering the entire earth. Varaaha is not pig. It is rhinocerous having one tusk. Dweepas, Dweepa Adhipathis and dweepa Devata Whereas ‘Jambudweepa’ in Mahabhoomi was ruled by ‘Swayambhuva Manuvu’ as the first emperor; his sons became kings for the other islands. ‘Medatidhi’ ruled ‘Plakshma Dweepa’, ‘Vapushmanta’ ruled ‘Salmama Dweepa’, ‘Jyotishmanta’ ruled ‘Kusa Dweepa’, ‘Duthimanta’ ruled ‘Krouncha Dweepa’, ‘Havya’ ruled ‘Saka Dweepa’, ‘Savana’ ruled ‘Pushkara Dweepa’ as first Emperors respectively. In ‘Plaksha Dweepa’ ‘Aryaka, Kurara, Vindaka and Bhavina’ are the four castes who reside. For them Vishnu in the shape of moon is the deity. In ‘Salmali Dweepa’, ‘Kapila Varna, Chakravaaka Varna, Pita Varna and Krishna Varna’ are the four castes who reside. They are worshippers of Vishnu. In ‘Kusa Dweepa’, ‘Dami, Sushmina, Sneha and Mandeha’ are the four castes who reside. For them Brahma is deity of worship. In ‘Krouncha Dweepa’, ‘Pushkara, Pushkala, Dhanya and Pishya’ are the four castes who reside. For them Rudra is the deity of worship. In ‘Saka Dweepa’, ‘Manga, Magadha, Manasa, Manda’ are the four castes who reside. They worship Sun God. In ‘Pushkara Dweepa’ there are no castes. All are happy like celestials without any suffering from diseases and sorrows. For them Brahma is deity of worship. In ‘Jambudweepa’ of our Earth, ‘Bharat Varsha, Kimpurusha Varsha, Hari Varsha,Ketumala Varsha, Ilavruta Varsha, Bhadraswa Varsha, Ramyaka Varsha, Hiranyaka Varsha and Kuru Varsha’ are there. Grand Paapaa! Just as ‘Jambudweepa’ with division of continents exists in Mahabhoomi, another ‘Jambudweepa’ with bifurcation of regions exists in ‘Earth’s hemisphere’. Mahabhoomi is round with an elevated area in the middle like the shell of a tortoise. This is called ‘Bhoomandala’. The ‘Globe of the earth’ is, however, like a lemon fruit. Mahabhoomi encircles ‘Meru Rekha’ and extends upto the wall of the Brahmanda, but, earth stood in the equi middle point of the circle of illumination.‘Jambudweepa’ lies encircling the ‘line of Meru Mountain which is in the middle of the Mahabhoomi’. Seven Seas and Islands are situated around it. In the earth the Northern hemisphere is called ‘Deva Bhaga’ and the Southern hemisphere is called ‘Asura Bhaga’. Meru is divinely shining in the equidistant central point in the Mahabhoomi. It is the habitation of ‘Manus’ who rule over the humans. Bhoogola is the place of humans who are under the rule of ‘Manus’. The wheel of illumination is fixed on the top of the Chakravala mountain which is situated around in the Mahabhoomi. The Bhoogola is, however, situated differently. Sparkling wheel of illumination covered by seven paths go around the earth once in a day. In Mahabhoomi cold, heat and other climatic changes are less. It is always day, with no night and no difference in time. It is different in Bhoogola. Only on account of the results of righteous acts of merit, one can reach Mahabhoomi. Bhoogola is the karma-bhoomi (land of action) for earning punya. People with gross bodies have to live on earth. In Mahabhoomi small pralaya (deluges) do not take place. Only manu pralayas (the deluge of ‘Manu’) takes place. In Bhoogola ‘yuga pralaya’, ‘maha yuga pralaya’ and ‘manu pralaya’are happening. Mahabhoomi is called ‘Dhatri’ and ‘Vidhatri’. Bhoogola is called ‘Mahi, Urvi, Kshiti, Pruthivi and Bhoomi’. Grand Paapaa! I am now telling about Nether Worlds (Paatala Lokas). Listen. Ghosts live in ‘Atala’, ‘Guhyakas’ live in ‘Vitala’, ‘Demons’ live in ‘Sutala’, Spirits abound in ‘Rasatala’. ‘Yakshas’ in ‘Talatala’, ‘Manes’ in ‘Mahatala’ and Serpents in ‘Paatala’reside. Description of Denizens of Lokas, Lokadhipatis and Continents ‘Kubera’resides in Vitala. He is the Lord of ‘Navanidhis’ (nine treasures). He is treasurer for the Brahmaanda. He is the ruler of the Northern side. His capital is Alakapuri inVitala. ‘Maya’ lives in Yoginipura which is on the Western side of Meru in the same Vitala. He is the architect for Demons. He constructed for Tripurasuras, three townships which can cruise in high altitudes in the sky. ‘YamadharmaRaja’ rules Vyvasvatapura in Sutala. He is the Lord of Southern side. A river of blazing flame is at the entrance of that town. This is called Vytarini. People having punya can cross this river easily but it is very difficult for sinners. A demon ‘Niruti’ rules Punyanagar in Rasatala. He is the Lord of South West side.Bhetala with hordes of devils dwells in Dhanistapura in Talatala. The consort of Katyayani, ‘Easana’ with all Bhoota ganas lives In Kailasa of ‘Mahatala’. He is the ruler of Easanya(North East) direction. ‘SreemanNaarayana Murthy’ resides in Vaikuntanagar in Paatala. He is here with all splendour. He is served by the spirits of Paatala, Vasuki and other superior serpents. He rests on the couch of Sesha Naagu. This is called Karya Vaikuntha situated in Swetadweepa. In the last Paatala Loka there are three tier segments. In the first segment, body less creatures live. In the second segment, groups of ghosts stay. In the third segment creatures who take bodies of suffering remain immersed in great misery. Seven Seas and seven Islands are in Mahabhoomi. In the middle of it Jambudweepa is situated. That was divided into nine continents. The continent in the South is called Bharata Khanda. Swayambhuva Manuvu resides in Bharatpura of this continent. Many virtuous people and sages are under the rule of Manuvu. They administer the worlds and enforce principles of righteousness and unrighteousness. Surrounding the seven Islands of Mahabhoomi mountains called ‘Charachara’, ‘Chakravala’, ‘Lokaaloka’ rise upto the ‘Swarga Loka’. These are layers which do not allow any light to penetrate through them. Below Mahabhoomi seven nether worlds exist. They are called ‘Sapta Patalas’. ‘Atala Loka’ is inhabited by devils. In Alakapuri of ‘Vitala Loka’ Kubera resides. In Yoginipura of Vitala Loka Maya lives along with demons. In Sutala emperor Bali lives with his demon servants. YamadharmaRaja lives in Vyvasvatapura. Sinners suffer their punishments in the various hells here. Punyapura in ‘Rasatala’ is the seat of Nyruti. Here spirits and similar other categories exist. Bhetala resides in Dhanistapura of ‘Talatala’. In Kailasapura of ‘Talatala’ Rudra dwells. ‘Mahatala’ is the seat of manes and forefathers. ‘Swetadweepa Vaikunta’ is in ‘Paatala’. Narayana lives here. In the lower portion adjacent to Meru bodiless creatures, souls of the dead and suffering bodies exist. In a place called ‘Niralamba soochyaagra sthan’ sinners of heinous crimes fi nd a place. After meals in the post water offering, water is offered to these people with chanting of mantra– “Rourave apunya nilaye padmarbhude nivaasinam Ardhinam udakam dattam akshyyam upatisthate.” Description of ‘Lokas’ –their names and extents. Please understand clearly that ‘Bhoo Gola’ (The Globe) and the Mahabhoomi in ‘Bhooloka’ are different. Surya Loka shines in ‘Meru Rekha’ in the area that extends upto upper Polar Star in the upper region above the central point of ‘Bhoo Gola’. This is the world where Suryadeva resides. This is not at all the area of planet Sun. In the same way Chandra Loka, Angaraka Loka, Budha Loka, Guru Loka, Sukra Loka, Sanaychara Loka, the Loka of presiding deity of Rasis, the loka of deity of stars, the loka of seven sages, and the upper Dhruva Loka exist. Besides these there are many other Lokas. Surya Loka is situated one lakh ‘brahmanda yojanas’ from the central point of earth.This is the world where Surya Deva who is the presiding deity of planet sun lives. The following Lokas are situated at distances from the central point of earth as shown below: Lokas Distance 1) Chandra Loka 2 Lakh Brahmanda Yojanas 2) Angaraka Loka 3 Lakh Brahmanda Yojanas 3) Budha Loka 5 Lakh Brahmanda Yojanas 4) Guru Loka 7 Lakh Brahmanda Yojanas 5) Sukra Loka 9 Lakh Brahmanda Yojanas 6) Sani Loka 11 Lakh Brahmanda Yojanas 7) Loka of Presiding Deity of Rasis 12 Lakh Brahmanda Yojanas 8) Loka of Deity of Stars 13 Lakh Brahmanda Yojanas 9) Sapta Rishi Loka 14 Lakh Brahmanda Yojanas 10) Dhruva Loka 15 Lakh Brahmanda Yojanas In the same manner ‘Swarga Loka’, ‘Mahar Loka’, ‘Jana Loka’, ‘Tapo Loka’ and ‘Satya Loka’ are situated at various distances from the central point of earth. The distance between the central point of earth and the wall encircling the ‘Brahmanda’ (Anda Bhitti) is 24 crores 50 lakhs ‘Brahmanda Yojanas’. The distance between central point of earth and the outer wall of Anda Bhitti is 25 crores 50 lakhs ‘Brahmanda Yojanas’.Bhooloka, Bhuvarloka and Suvarloka are destroyed during the great deluge. Maharloka above Suvarloka is partly destroyed and partly remains. Janaloka, Tapoloka, and Satyaloka are not destroyed till the life of Brahma expires. ‘Swarga’ comprises of ‘Suvarloka’, ‘Maharloka’, ‘Janaloka’, ‘Tapoloka’, ‘Satyaloka’ and area upto ‘Anda Bhitti’. Who is Datta? “Narasaavadhaani Taataa! To experience the philosophy of Datta you require some lakhs of births. Know that Datta is the only one magnificent brilliant illumination that spreads over crores and crores of Brahmaandas and transcend them. Know that the same Lord Datta is actually before you as Sreepada Sreevallabha.” On hearing the kind teaching of ‘Sree Charana’ Narasaavadhaani and His wife were astonished. As the young infant aged just one year expatiated so many profound things with authority and as He proclaimed that He is verily Lord Datta Himself, Narasaavadhaani and his wife began to sob. They wanted atleast to touch His auspicious feet. Sreevallabha refused it. Narasaavadhaani and his wife could not move even slightly from the places where they were sitting. Sreepada averred, “I am Datta. I am the sole phenomenon that pervades crores and crores of universes. Directions are my dress. I am ‘Digambara’.Whoever chants with purity of mind, speech and body “Datta Digambaraa! Sreepadavallabha Digambaraa! Narasimha Saraswati Digambaraa’, I stay there in subtle form. My maternal grandfather Sri Baapanaaryulu is providing free boarding and lodging facilities to those who visit Paadagaya Kshetra from other places for performing rituals to their manes. While it was so you ridiculed, “Where is your Swayambhoo-Datta? Has he not disappeared?” I am that Datta! Whoever stays in that sacred house of My birth surely turn sacred. Their ancestors will get ‘Punya Lokas’. I am the Lord who has to look to the welfare not only of living beings but also of dead ones. Both birth and death are equal to Me! Nevertheless, you are worrying. ‘Is this the result of adoring Swayambhoo-Datta?’ Swayambhoo-Datta will appear shortly to remove the slander against you. The consecration ceremony also takes place. I am granting you a greater life span. Remain in the meditation of Datta. I am assuring you that I will show mercy in your next birth. In this birth you do not have that much great punya to enable you to touch my feet. I, who created, protected and liquidated crores and crores of Brahmaandas and the sole monarch of all this creation bless you with My boon- giving Auspicious Hand.” With a great terrible sound the atoms in the body of Sreepada disintegrated and Sreepada disappeared. My child! Shankar Bhatt! Sreepada had explained the mystery in chanting His name by adding ‘Digambara’ at the end of the name. His is a nature of omnipresence. It is beyond our comprehension how the formless nature takes shape and incarnates. Where is the end to the sportive plays from His childhood of that Lord of the Universe and who wore a cunning disguise? Victory Victory unto Sri Sreepada Sreevallabha!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:53:02 +0000

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