CHAPTER 7 Wake up! Stagnant water splashed over her. It was - TopicsExpress


CHAPTER 7 Wake up! Stagnant water splashed over her. It was more the pungent rotten smell of it that woke her than the slight chill of the water being poured over her. She shook her head flinging her hair from her face. Her head pounded with the movement. Attempting to stand she was stopped suddenly by her shackles. She realized she was in the dungeon yet again. Huge, rotten hands pried off the bindings, picked her up and once again slung her over its rotten shoulder. It seemed the beatings lasted forever. Although time here was forever. She was to be beaten again till she lost consciousness again. Even then they must have beaten her more the way her body ached. She was thrown to the floor abruptly and then kicked forward, sprawling her out onto the floor. The prisoner my Lord. The guard growled. Welcome back Xena. Are you ready for todays beating? As ready as you are. She slurred. By now she had lost a few teeth and acquired a near broken jaw. Ah always a good sport. Yodoshi laughed and picked up a thin wooden club. He smugly walked to Xena. Shall we get started then? Xena looked up from the floor. She struggled to her hands and knees. Go to hell. She snapped. I like hell quite well actually. He laughed as he swung the club, sweeping Xenas arms from under her, laying her flat on the floor. He brought it down again onto her already bruised and beaten back. Her back arched with the force of the blow and she writhed in pain. Give me the whip! He demanded loudly. The guard ran back with a whip with nine long straps. Each strap had shards of metal tied down the length of it. He drew it back and motioned for the guard to pick Xena up. The guard jerked her up by her arms. Xena screamed at the pain bolting through her back and arms. That in itself nearly made her black out, but the whip that suddenly slashed at her back brought her back sharply. Her tunic she had been given to cover herself was sliced open with the first strike, exposing her back. Lines of blood began forming across her back. The wounds that were dried and scabbed over from the day before opened again, leaving Xenas back covered in blood. She hung loosely by her arms. He whipped her at least fifty more times before the guard dropped her to the floor. Some how she was still awake despite her back being flayed to the point where muscle was visible and torn skin hung from the gashes. Still with us Xena? He mocked. She looked toward him and her eyes rolled back, she began fading away. Then again she was doused with water. She came to again and was dragged across the floor and thrown onto a table. Yodoshi fastened manacles to her feet while the guard wrenched her arms up and manacled her wrists. Yodoshi came to the side of the table and grasped the wheel close to Xenas head. Ready? He grinned. All Xena could do was groan as he began turning the wheel. The bindings got tighter and pulled at her joints. Slowly the pain continued down her arms, into her beaten shoulders and up her legs to her hips. Dragging and pulling further and further. She could feel a hot burn in her muscles as they began to tear from bone and tendon. Her joints creaked and popped. He continued slowly. Xenas breathing got shorter as screams welled in her throat. He jerked the wheel. Xenas screams drowned out the snapping of her bones. Yodoshi laughed triumphantly. Are you ok Xena? Did I hurt you? He mocked. Tears ran down Xenas pain stricken face and her screams became hoarse. This was by far the worst torture she had ever experienced. He let the wheel go and the ropes relaxed. Xenas arms and legs limply fell to the table. Her mind began to give into blackness. Hr only sanctuary was when she blacked out for thats when the memories of Gabrielle over took the pain, and there she found a bit of peace. Again she was brought back being soaked with water. It burned her flayed back like fire. Im not done yet. He hissed. She was unbound and removed from the table. The guard removed the manacles, took a rough rope and tied Xenas feet together then lifted her by her legs from the table. He took her to a hook that hung from the rafters and hung her there by the rope around her ankles. I tell you what. Im going to get a special surprise for you. He and the guard left the room through the small wooden door. This was new. He had never left her in the room alone before. She knew this was a chance to get a look at her surroundings, but no matter how much she willed herself, she couldnt move. All she could feel was pain. She focused just a little too long on the excruciating pain and blackness flooded her. Xena? She heard an ethereal voice in the distance. Xena? It sounded familiar. Where are you Xena? All Xena could do was moan in pain. Then a figure appeared from the shadows. She could tell simply from the figures shape that it was Gabrielle. She approached Xena, her face wet with tears. She was sad. Xena tried hard to talk again. Its ok. She slurred, trying to console Gabrielle. Gabrielle knelt next to Xena. Why am I laying down? She thought. Thats when Gabrielle placed a sword and a red rose on Xenas chest. Im sorry Xena. Her beautiful bard stood and walked away. Those words tore her heart to pieces. The loss of Gabrielle tortured her mind worse than her body had been tortured. Goodbye Xena. She turned and melted into the shadows. Gabrielle. Xena could only whisper. She felt a blow then light blinded her. Nice nap? Yodoshi mocked. Here is your surprise Xena. Izanami will be finishing todays session. Dont worry, shes not nearly as gentle as me. He laughed backing away and letting Izanami approach her. She knew what was to happen next. Do you know what I do? Izanami asked in a raspy voice. Yes. Xena breathed. I see. So what is it that I do Xena? You take youth, beauty. Xena struggled. Power! Izanami smacked Xena across her face sending her swinging by her feet from the ceiling. That is what I desire! Everything that is in you Xena. She got close to Xenas face. Everything! Her breath was foul. Never! Xena growled with the last bit of strength in her lungs. Izanami smacked her again then was caught by her hair. Izanami wrenched Xenas face to hers and kissed Xena hard on the lips. If she could vomit she would have. The taste and stench of Izanami over powered her breathing. Then a shock. Flashes of light blinded her and pain more ruthless than that Yodoshi had dealt wracked her body. She could no longer think, move or breathe. The pain seemed to last an eternity. Her body wanted to escape, her mind wanted to fade away but some how Izanamis power prevented that. Izanami finally stopped and a shock-wave of power blew Xena back jerking her body and bringing back the blackness. Five minutes. Izanami smiled. Thats the longest any one has lasted. Just more for tomorrow. Yodoshi assured. Take her below. He ordered the guard. The guard untied Xenas feet and let her limp body hit the floor. He grabbed her by the arm and lifted her just enough so her head didnt hit the floor and drug her to the cell. He discarded her in a heap figuring there was no point in binding her. Here ya go :) Ill try to post 8 tonight....depending on how my hands feel lol
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 21:01:24 +0000

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