CHAPTER 77 TEMPTATION Progress in Time of Desolation - TopicsExpress


CHAPTER 77 TEMPTATION Progress in Time of Desolation CHRIST: MY CHILD, progress in the spiritual life does not consist in having a great deal of interior joy and consolation. It consists in being humble, patient, and free from self-pity when things go wrong. Faithfully go on with your affairs, and do not become careless in your prayers and good works when you no longer find pleasure in them. Continue doing your best in your daily duties in spite of any disinterest, anxiety, or even disgust. 2. Some people grow impatient and careless in serving Me when things do not go as they desire. It is not always in a mans power to choose what he wants in his earthly life. In spite of all your plans and precautions, you cannot avoid all disappointments. Even the mistakes and sins of others, which make your life harder, are permitted for a good reason. 3. I have a plan for you, by which you may become truly great. I send you what is best for you. If you follow My Will, you will have My peace on earth and My joy in Heaven. If you rebel, you will hurt yourself and probably some of the people in your life. I owe you nothing. You owe Me absolutely everything. Whether you receive much or little, you are always in debt to Me for all things. THINK: Many people judge their closeness to God by their feelings. If they feel devout, they believe they are pleasing Him, and if they feel dejected and gloomy, they think that He has abandoned them. These standards are false and deceitful. I may be proving my best love for God when I least feel like pleasing Him. As long as I fulfill what He expects of me, I do love Him, no matter how I feel. Jesus Himself said- “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” There is the test of true goodness and holiness. As long as I am following His holy Will, I am following Gods wonderful plan for my salvation and the salvation of those with whom I deal. At times feelings may help me to serve God with more enthusiasm, but it is my will that really shows how much I am worth in His eyes. In time of desolation, I should cling to my resolutions and go on with my religious practices as I did when I enjoyed doing these things. That is the way of intelligent love, the way in which God wants to be loved. PRAY: Dear Lord, make me the kind of follower You desire me to be-an intelligent follower. No feelings nor moods should determine how I am to serve You this day, I ought to do my best to see Your holy Will and to follow it, without letting my feelings rule my intelligence or control my will. No matter how I may feel about what I must suffer, I know this: You are always watching over me, always helping me walk toward Heaven. Even the evil which You permit in my life, has its higher purpose. You will some day be praised for many things which men now question. With eyes fixed on You, let me go on fulfilling Your holy Will each day. You are my true and perfect joy, my eternal Glory, my never-fading Crown. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 02:34:03 +0000

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