CHAPTER FIVE Waking up, Ana laying in Marcoss arms. Marcos - TopicsExpress


CHAPTER FIVE Waking up, Ana laying in Marcoss arms. Marcos woke up and kissed Ana, “Good morning babe!” “Morning good morning handsome!” Ana realized she was naked and on her balcony. “How about we go in the room and shower up?” “Good idea!” Marcos said. Ana held her head in her hands. Heading into the bathroom Ana showed Marcos were everything was. Ana realizes that she was just sired by another alpha Lycan male, she knew it was quick, but she didnt want to lose Marcos like she did Dean. How was she go to tell Draven and Beth? Marcos got in the shower and rinsed off, Marcos called Ana. Ana got in with him and Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, “Do you regret what happen?” Ana laid her head to the side, “No, why would you say that?” Marcos kissed Anas neck. “You had a lot to drink last night, I tried to leave and even stay away from you, I was even going to leap from the balcony, but you wouldnt let me, I am sorry if I took advantage of you!” “Marcos I was fully aware of what I had done, I was drunk, not stupid!” Marcos just laughed. “Whats wrong?” Ana just lowered her head as the water dripped from it. “My husband is playing house with his former fiance, I still dont have my boys back and I cant seem to contact any of my brothers and I just gave myself to a man I really dont know, now I have to explain this all to Deans brother Draven!” Spinning Ana around to face him, “Wait, do you think I used you and now I am just walking away?” Ana really didnt what to think, she didnt answer. “You have shown me more kindness than anyone has ever shown me, you are grateful for what I do no matter how small, Ana when I am with you I feel things I havent felt in a long time!” “Its the fact that I feel another emotion other than anger, Ana I just sired you do you think I am walking away from that?” Ana kissed Marcos. “Come on lets get out!” Ana got out first she grabbed a towel and waited for Marcos to get out. Marcos stood in front of Ana, she began to dry him, she just wanted to show him a little more attention. Marcos couldnt believe that she was doing this. Ana finished drying off Marcos, he headed into the bedroom and put on his pants. Marcos asked Ana if she had an extra razor. Walking back into the bathroom Ana opened a drawer and pulled out a razor, she carried it back to Marcos. “Do you mind?” Marcos held up the razor. Ana took the razor out of Marcoss hand, she took his hand in hers and lead him to the bathroom sink. “Sit here!” Marcos was a little confused, but he sat anyway. Ana reached under the sink in a cabinet and pulled out some shaving cream. She filled her hand with a nice size ball of cream and dipped her fingers from her other hand and rubbed it on his face. Ana then turned on the hot water in the sink and ran the razor under the hot water. Shaking it in the sink to remove the excess water Ana began to shave Marcos. Marcos just stared in Anas eyes. He couldnt believe what she was doing. Stroke after stroke Ana cleaned up his face. “There I am finished what to you think?” Marcos looked at himself, turning on the cold water he rinsed off his face. Ana handed him a towel, patting dry his face, “It looks great, but why did you do that? “You didnt like it?” “No, babe you got me wrong, I loved it, again no one has ever done this for me!” Kissing Ana. Marcos put on his jacket since he had no shirt. “I need to go see the guys they are probably wondering what happened to me!” Ana threw on a bathrobe and walked Marcos downstairs to the door. Ana kissed him goodbye “See you soon babe!” Marcos turned and headed for his bike. Placing the half helmet on his head he mounted the bike, he started it up and drove off. Ana shut the door and turned around to go to the kitchen and there stood Beth. “Ana what happen, you and he, you didnt?” “Didnt what make love, as a matter of fact Beth we did and he is an amazing lover!” “What about Dean?” With a frown on her face she said., “Marcos found out where he was and we went there!” “You found Dean, what, when?” “Last night I went to where he was and there he was just sitting in a chair and Servina was waiting on him, she also kissed him and was beginning to undress him, he didnt push her away!” “Ana that doesnt sound like Dean at all!” “Well, Marcos and I both saw it with our own eyes!” Back at Tragedy Machine headquarters the guys were all busy preparing for their up coming tour. “Hey Marcos, whats up man, where the hell have you been?” With a smile on his face, “Lets practice!”The guys all enter the room where there equipment was, “Hey where is Ian?” “Hes outside looking over the van!” Just then Ian walked in with a young man behind him, it was their cousin Nico. “Nico what are you doing here?” “Seems Nico has gotten himself into a little trouble and he was sent here by uncle Rodrigo” “Nice to see you can make it to your own band practice!” “Marcos where the hell have you been?” Marcos, just smiled. “Brother you seem a little lighthearted, what did you do now?” Ian a little curious,“You wouldnt believe it if I told you?” “Please tell me you were abducted by aliens who liked doing the butt thing!” Marcos just laughed, “Ian even you cant get to me today!” “Oh no its worse than I thought!” Marcos, what did you do!” He walked over to the microphone and picked it up and spoke into it. “I sired Ana Micheletti last night!” All the guys clapped except Ian “Marcos have you lost every brain cell in your head?” “Have you forgot you she-wolf is married to your former best friend whom you came to save!” “Change of plans little brother, its a long story!” “Oh great so she will be around all the time, you know what happen to the Beatles when Yoko showed up!” Snapped, Ian. Marcos couldnt help but laugh at his brothers discontent. Anthony leaned in towards Marcos and said, “I have the ugliest bug waiting for Ian later!” Marcos and Anthony laughed, “Marcos are you really happy, is this really what you want?” “It is, she is like no other woman I have ever met before!” Patting him on the shoulder Anthony said, “I am happy for you man, congratulations!” “Thanks!” “If Ian thinks hes mad now wait until he finds out I am moving out!” Marcos and the guys did a practice run for the tour. Marcos and the guys did twelve songs. Practice was over, Marcos was on cue as always, he sang perfectly. While the guys were picking up the equipment Marcos sat in the corner in a chair talking to Nico. Ian walked over to Marcos, “You cant bring her here?”“Yes, actually I can, but I am not!” “Finally you are coming to your scenes!” “She is not coming here because I am moving there!” “No, what?” “You see Yoko is already breaking us up! “Ian you dont even live with me!” “Marcos it is just the idea, things are already changing, next you are going to say you want a family!” Marcos just looked at his brother seriously for a moment. “Oh, God, shes pregnant!” “If things go the way I want them to, shes already pregnant!” “What the hell did you do with my brother?” “Will you stop saying that, this changes nothing! “Right, you and Yoko will be together all the time!” “Ian stop calling her that, her name is Ana she is the archangel of passion!” “Oh great and your the hound of hell, I can imagine that litter!”“Ian get over it things change!” Just then Anthony came back in the room with a jar with the ugliest large bug and chased Ian out the back door with it. Ben came over and said you better get out of here while Anthony has him occupied. “Marcos, for what its worth I am happy for you!” “Thanks!” Marcos headed out of the door and towards his bike. Nico followed behind him, “Come on man get on!” Marcos said to Nico. They both mounted on the bike. Marcos drove to the park that they usually ran in. Marcos parked the bike and they both got off. Marcos walking through the park with Nico, “What did you do so bad that you were sent to us?” “I killed a man trying to drown a little boy, father said we can not interfere with the, humans and he sent me here!” “Nico, he sent you to the wrong place, I have to be honest, I would have done the same thing and have!” Nico just smiled at Marcos. At the back of the woods, Marcos and Nico went on a run. As they reached the end of the path the both leaped through the air, as they did they changed from human to Lycan in a blink of an eye, off and running they went. Nico was chasing after Marcos, Marcos began to climb and jump between the trees soon following was Nico. Faster and faster than ran until the reached the end of the road it was at the end of a cliff that faced the valley, it was evening time and the sun was setting. It was a beautiful evening they both just sat there and stared at the sky it was a orange and pink sky, it was breath taking. Seeing how beautiful it was Marcos right away missed Ana. Marcos turned around and headed back to his bike with Nico behind him. At the end of the woods Marcos and Nico changed back into human form and headed back to the park area. Walking back over to the bike Nico asked, “Are you really moving out?” “I am, why?” “No reason, Ian seems a little mad!” “Nope Nico, Ian is a lot mad!” “He thinks Ana is going to destroy me and leave me, I say she will be who rescue me!” “You dont really want to stay with Ian do you?” Shaking his head no. “Okay, let me talk to Ana and see what I can do!” Marcos took Nico back to the den. Marcos didnt get off the bike he just patted Nico on the shoulder and drove off. The sun has now set, and the moon was over head. Marcos pulled in the driveway and got off of his bike and headed to the front door. Marcos rang the buzzer “Ana its me let me in!” Ana headed down the stairs for the front door. Ana punched in the code and unlocked the door, throwing her arms around Marcos, “Miss me baby?” Kissing him. Of course I did!” “Question is Mr. Medici did you miss me?” “More than I realized that I could miss anyone!”“Where is your stuff?” Marcos shook his head, “Ian is not handling this well so I will wait a little bit!” “How was practice?” Marcos smiled,”It was flawless!” Ana smiled, “Like you! Leaning over Marcos kissed Ana on the forehead. Marcos curious, “How was your day babe?” “I spent the day trying to clear my head!” “How did that go?” Ana said, “I have so many unanswered questions and I am not sure if I will ever get the answers I look for!” Marcos and Ana headed to the kitchen. Ana asked Marcos if he wanted something to drink. “Can I get a shot of Jagermeister?” Ana went to the cabinet and pulled out a class and placed it in front for Marcos, she then walked over to the counter and picked up the bottle and walked back to Marcos, Ana uncapped the bottle and filled the bottom of the glass. Marcos picked up the glass and swirled it around for a few seconds, then he shot it back. Marcos set the glass down on the table Ana poured a little more in his glass. Again he shot it back. “Your not drinking tonight babe?” “No, I am still trying to recover from last night!” Marcos smiled, “You did drink a bit heavy!” “So, when do you go on tour?” “Next week, I will be gone for a few weeks then I will return!” “I need to ask you something!” “What is it?” “My cousin Nico was sent to us for the summer and I wanted to know if its cool if hangs out with you while I am gone, hes seventeen years old!” “Sure he can, I would love meet him!” “You will like him, he is a lot like me!” Marcos smirked to himself. This was perfect Marcos thought to himself there was someone to watch over Ana while he was gone and Ana could keep him out of trouble, it was a win-win situation.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 16:10:45 +0000

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