CHAPTER FOUR Dearly Departed — Living in the Celestial - TopicsExpress


CHAPTER FOUR Dearly Departed — Living in the Celestial City Almost everyone has at one time experienced grief over the loss of a loved one. It overwhelms you and leaves a big void in your life. You cannot replace them no matter how we sometimes try. Only Jesus can heal and fill that place. The one thing that helps is knowing that they are in Heaven and we will one day see them again. I hope that the following stories will encourage you to know — HEAVEN IS REAL. When you go there your life does not stop — IT BEGINS! If they could come back they would tell you — “I am home”. Please believe that God has kept His Word — we will live because Christ lives! This is one of the most exciting chapters in this book as you will learn about actual people who have passed on, what they are doing and how this knowledge impacted the lives of their families when it was shared with them. Permission was obtained from each of the families involved. All of these trips I took to Heaven were done under different circumstances and I will relate each story exactly as it happened. I have made other trips and seen other people in Heaven, but I will save them for Volume II. At this time, we will focus on three different events. Maurissa — A Destiny made in Heaven This particular event took place in February of 2001 and even though I had been to Heaven many times, this trip will always hold a special place in my heart. It shows the unfathomable mercy of God and how much He cares about us! I will start by explaining the circumstances surrounding this event. My Mother and I had just completed setting up and serving at a four day conference held at our church and we were very tired. The following day we received a call from the church asking for a favor from the pastor’s wife. She wanted to know if we would clean a woman’s house (named Esther) who had just hosted out-of-town relatives for several days for a funeral. My Mother received the call and even though we were exhausted, she said we would grant the request. We had heard that a young person had recently been killed in a skiing accident, but knew nothing else. She did not attend our church, nor was the funeral held there. Apparently, this woman, Esther Zink, was related to that young person. I will now share what happened while cleaning Esther’s house. We arrived around 2:00 p.m. and I started dusting. After being in the house for just a few minutes, the Holy Spirit started talking to me. This is what He said, “You know, her Great Grandfather met her at the ‘gate’ when she arrived.” I asked him whom he was talking about and He said, “The young girl who just passed away, the granddaughter of Esther. I want you to tell her mother, Melodee, this message because she is grieving for her. Maurissa is now living with her Great Grandfather because, of course, she is too young to live on her own. He is showing her the time of her life and is taking her somewhere to have lots of fun.” (A split second later I was in Heaven) I heard this high, excited laugh, and then I saw her. She had shoulder-length, reddish-blonde hair and was grinning very big. I was not certain of her age, possibly the early teens. She was holding the hand of a young man with brown hair (even though he was her great grandfather, you do not remain old when you go to heaven). He appeared to be in his mid-twenties and quite pleased about their coming adventure. Maurissa, filled with joy, seemed barely able to control herself, knowing where he was taking her. She was also with another young person, a girl, several years older than she was and she had straight, long blonde hair. It was not revealed to me who this third person was, but Maurissa was very happy that she was with them. I saw all of them walking down a beautiful wide pathway. The flowers were breathtaking, every color you could imagine and every petal was perfect. I had never seen anything like them before. Amazement rushed over me as I realized I was approaching an amusement park. There were very tall trees on both sides of the path and in the distance I could see a huge roller coaster. You could hear the people screaming with laughter as the cars on the roller coaster plummeted down what looked like a 100-foot drop. (The Holy Spirit later told me the name of that particular coaster was “The Rush”). (Just as quickly as I was taken, I returned to earth) Still standing in front of the fireplace mantle, the Holy Spirit said, “Maurissa is a joy to be with. Everyone liked her and she was full of life and energy. She always had a positive attitude and was a blessing to her mother and her friends. They all miss her very much. Please tell her mother that she is now her greatest cheerleader and will cheer her on to the destiny I have planned for her”. He then let me hear these words you had previously spoken by her mother, “I can’t believe she is gone. Her life is over and she never got to fulfill her destiny. What will I do without her? I want to know that she is okay. I want her to know I love her!” Then the Lord said, “Your daughter chose to stay because she knew her greatest contribution would be in Heaven. Please tell everyone that I did not take your daughter, but I knew she would be here early and that her destiny would be made in Heaven. She is now a leader of the youth (age does not matter here, I judge by a person’s heart) and is in charge of organizing the youths’ contribution to the celebration in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. It is a high honor for her, but I know she will do a super job. She will not overlook a single detail and will include all the youth so everyone will have a good time and none will be left out. Your daughter has a very BIG heart. Why would I choose anyone else for this assignment? She has embraced the task and is going forward with it, and as usual, giving a 150 % of herself. She loves you dearly and knows that you feel the same about her; but she would ask that you release her now so that she can fulfill her destiny. She said when she sees you again one day she will kiss you on both cheeks and tell you everything that has happened to her here and will make sure she leaves nothing out. She always enjoyed talking with you and being with her friends. She was everyone’s friend and is the same way here. Your personality does not change when you come to Heaven; it just blossoms and becomes even more pronounced. Maurissa dwells in My presence now and I will make sure she is taken care of and not left on her own. I can give you grace to help if you ask Me. I can heal the hurt, if you let Me. I will never take away her memory because she is too precious to you, but you can walk in My peace and I will release it to you right now. Trust Me. Seek Me, for I desire to draw closer to you and tell you of My love for you. Don’t ever be afraid to say anything to Me; your words are important and I will always take time to hear you. You too have a destiny to complete and now you have a faithful cheerleader here to root you on to fulfill it. I will send other children to you that will desperately need to be loved. Don’t refuse them, for your love will make a major difference in their lives and destinies. It may be the only Me they ever see. I love you, My daughter”. After I experienced all of this, I called my mother from the other room and told her what had happened. I then called the church to let someone know what I had heard and they gave me the telephone number for Maurissa’s mother, Melodee. I made arrangements to meet her and give her the message. After typing it all down, I drove to a local mall and met with her. While reading the message to her, she turned white and looked quite shocked. Following is what she shared with me when I finished giving her the message. Laughing and crying at the same time she said, “There is no possible way you could have known. No way at all! I have never met you and you were not at the funeral service. When I asked her what she meant, she said, I know that everything you told me is true and I know you saw my daughter in Heaven. I know this, because the day I returned home from the ski resort I was looking through her room and I found something. It was a journal my daughter had kept back in 1995 (she was 13 years old at her death in 2001). As I sat reading, God led me to a journal entry dated October 3, 1995, where she had written about a dream she had had the night before. It said she dreamed she died early and went to Heaven early and that she met her great grandfather, and went on a roller coaster ride.” After telling me this, she continued to tell me about her daughter Maurissa. She was exactly as l described her —slim, strawberry blonde hair and that she had actually been a cheerleader at her school. She also told me that Maurissa was very popular and had always desired to be a youth leader when she grew up. She had impacted so many lives that they bused students from two different schools to her funeral. Hundreds came and many made decisions for Christ. Maurissa was a very special young lady! I continued to talk with Melodee and shared some of the other things I knew about heaven. Then I prayed for her and went back home. I was very blessed to know God had used me to help Melodee through a very difficult time. Statement from Melodee Nobles. Maurissa’s Mother March 13, 2007 To Whom It May Concern: After losing my only child, Maurissa, in 2001, I found myself searching for answers. I was trying to find peace and comfort in the midst of my darkest hour. I was going through what I call the “pit” of grief. I literally would have done anything to see my child again. I needed to touch her, feel her, smell her, anything to gratify my loss of her physical body. The ripping away of her flesh was most apparent at this time. There were days I told my husband, it may sound morbid, but I miss her so much, I just want to dig her up and just hold her! I would go in her bedroom, lay on her bed (hid just scream and cry into the pillow. A short time after Maurissa’s death, my mother called me to tell me an intercessor at the church had received a vision of the Lord for me in regards to Maurissa and her untimely death. My initial reaction was one of skepticism. I was raised in a Pastor’s home and began to question whether this was actually from God or possibly someone trying to get “in” with the pastor’s family. I met with Kathy after work one night just outside of J.C. Penney’s and immediately felt God’s comforting presence as she walked over to me. She said she wanted to give the message to me in person. Contained in this message were little “kisses from heaven” that Maurissa and God the Father sent to me through the comfort of the Holy Spirit. She said things in this message that only Maurissa would have known. Kathy did not know me, my family or my daughter. When Maurissa was little, I would have her kiss me on both cheeks before dropping her off at school. In her message Kathy wrote “and when I see you again Mommy; I will kiss you on both cheeks:’ Another heavenly kiss was that when Kathy typed her message from the Lord to me, she was told to print it in blue ink. That was Maurissa‘s favorite color, her cheerleading color, the color of her room and everything we had done for her celebration service was in blue ink. One other significant kiss was that there was no possible way she could have known about the ‘dream ‘Maurissa had written in her journal in October 1995. She wrote that she had died early, met her Great Grandfather in Heaven and went on a roller coaster ride. These were similar to the very words Kathy started her message with and undeniable proof that Kathy was hearing from Heaven! Death is not God’s plan; His plan is for us to have eternal life and life more abundantly. It is not His desire, nor does He punish us by allowing our loved ones to be separated from us. He will send you “kisses from heaven.” Kathy’s message began a road to recovery for me. I am now able to live with this loss and continue God’s plan for my life, so that my daughter’s destiny can be and will be fulfilled. Since Kathy’s first message, I have had dreams and visions of my daughter, Maurissa, and it has opened my eyes to a spiritual world where there is total joy! Kathy and I have had many conversations about heaven and when I tell her things, on many occasions she is already aware of what has been revealed to me. I am also writing a book about this time in my life. I will share how God has shown me how to tap into His peace, the one that passes all understanding. I encourage you to tap into God. There is a thin veil between this earth and heaven. Our loved ones are more alive than we are here on this earth and one day it will be revealed to those who believe. I cannot imagine going through this without the hope of seeing Maurissa again. She was my whole world next to Christ and I have completely changed my view of eternity since this experience. Truly we are to be so heavenly minded that we can do earthly good. Melodee Nobles (Maurissa’s Mother) Statement from Esther Zink, Maurissa’s Grandmother March 17, 2007 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Kathy Kerr came into our home during a crisis moment, the death of our 13 year old granddaughter, Maurissa Dawn Martin. We have not gotten over the emotion of it during the last seven years since her Homegoing to Heaven. Three Grief Share classes later, reading and viewing every book, video, DVD on death and dying, receiving many encouraging phone calls, cards and prayers from our family and friends (Body of Christ) we are resting in HIS PEACE! Our Pastor’s wife called the Kerrs to see if they would be willing to clean our home as a blessing. It was Kathy Kerr’s Mom who answered the telephone call and told Sharon they would be glad to help. While Kathy and her Mom were cleaning our house the Friday after the funeral, God spoke to Kathy about Maurissa and her Great Grandfather; who was already in Heaven awaiting her arrival. God even told her their names and other details that only God could have revealed to her: As she was dusting the fireplace mantel, God suddenly took her to Heaven and she saw Maurissa and her Great Grandfather going down a path to an amusement park. She knew Maurissa had strawberry blonde hair and was wearing blue and white. Soon Kathy shared this experience with us verbally and in writing. Two later visions Kathy shared with us became even more detailed about what Maurissa was doing in Heaven. The burgundy and gold flowers, the lullaby music, the verbal messages were just a few of the outstanding details that let us know Kathy was for real and only God could have given her this detailed knowledge about our granddaughter: And knowing she had never met Maurissa made her messages from Heaven to us even more miraculous! We desperately needed to hear her words. Each vision God allowed her to share with us was undoubtedly from the throne room of Heaven. We had never met Kathy before. She was a complete stranger to us; but each time she lifted us up into heavenly places as we read her visions from Maurissa in Heaven. If I had ever doubted visions from Heaven, now I was a true believer: Kathy Kerr has now made me want to write about my near-death experiences. She truly does hear from God in Heaven because I have been blessed by her to receive inspiration, healing and victory. We can humbly wait to see Maurissa and all our loved ones who have gone home before us. Kathy does much more for God than anyone I know. She feeds the hungry, houses the homeless, has volunteered for years to cook and clean up for church gatherings and is truly one of the most hospitable Servants of Christ that I have known in my 66 years of life on earth. Without her God- allowed messages from Maurissa in Heaven to our daughter; we would not be as far along in the grief process as we are today. Melodee’s Mom and Maurissa’s Biological Grandmother, Esther Laurel (Owens)
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 07:20:37 +0000

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