CHAPTER ONE AUTHORITY IN THE CHURCH In order to understand - TopicsExpress


CHAPTER ONE AUTHORITY IN THE CHURCH In order to understand authority in the church, we must first understand what authority is. Otherwise, we will not understand authority in the church. What is authority? In the whole universe, nothing is harder to understand than authority. Two things are very difficult to explain in the Bible: glory and authority. Many people can understand holiness, righteousness, and patience; they may comprehend these matters a little. But what is God’s glory, and what is God’s authority? Man cannot understand them and explain them. God’s glory is related to God Himself, while God’s authority is related to His government. God Himself is glorious, while His government is executed through His authority. God’s authority was the principle by which He organized the universe. He rules the universe through authority. (Today, we will only mention the matter of authority in brief. We will wait for another day to discuss the subject in detail.) How did God create the heavens and the earth? He created by His authority. How did God restore this world? He restored by His authority also. On the first day when God created light, He did not gather all of the electricity together and make light; He only gave a command and said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. The second day God said, “Let there be the firmament,” and there was the firmament. God commanded with His word, and He acted according to His authority. He did not act according to His power or His ways. His word signifies His command, which represents His authority. Can you see that God only exercised His authority? God created the universe with His authority, and He rules the universe with His authority. Both the beginning of the universe and the maintenance of the universe are the result of God’s authority. The Assembly Life By Watchman Nee. Chapter 1 Section 1 ministrybooks
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 23:07:14 +0000

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