CHAPTER TWO: MY TWISTED MIND “So I presume you started writing, - TopicsExpress


CHAPTER TWO: MY TWISTED MIND “So I presume you started writing, right?” Moscad said, “Well, you’d have to anyway”. “Yeah, I did”, I replied. “Why do I have to do it?” I asked him. “Because, it’s your only way to remember…, if you stop remembering, you will never go back”. “Yeah, on that again, how do I go back?” I asked him, expecting him to reply, ‘I don’t know…’ He was always contradicting himself. Moscad was a rough looking guy. He had a face like a pig’s; only that his mouth was human but his teeth were pencil sharp. Yet he walked on two feet, and had bear type hands. His body was human, including the feet as well. The first time I saw him, I thought he was going to eat me. I was collecting mushrooms when he came from behind and in a polite manner asked, “Mister, may I ask what you’re doing? Those mushrooms are poisonous.” The added, “Thing like you wouldn’t last a day out here.” “Hey, I’ve been out here for days, maybe months, and I’ve had had enough of all this riddles, and whatever, advices you have,” I said angrily and turned around, and upon seeing his face, I screamed with hysterical fear, as there was also on way to run because he was blocking the path to the tree. Moscad run off in an other direction, while I continued running. ‘I think I lost him’, I thought. I stood to rest, and not long he, as if in an instant, he appeared behind me. I run, again, but there was no where to hide with tress all spaced and think tall grassland grass. Their blades were razor sharp. The only way to run was along the path. “Wait, wait, I want eat you or harm you”, I heard him shouting after me. I came around the trunk of a huge tree and found a strong but half-rotting branch. “Good”, I said to myself. I hid behind the tree and waited quietly, trying to hold my breath so that I could hear his footsteps. I heard him coming. The instant I saw his face, as he came around the tree following the tree blindly. I swung the stick and hit him straight on the forehead. It was a direct hit, feel down, “Ahh, I don’t eat people, ahh, I’m friendly” He said, in pain. My name is Moscad, I’m only trying to help you.” “Help me how? I asked, feeling sorry for him. “Do you know Crystal; the butterfly?” She sent me to find you and guide you” he said. “What? I mean yes, I know Crystal, but what are you saying? I replied answering but with more questions. “Well actually, I going through the valley too so I thought the both of us could pair up. You see, I know this place like the palm of my hand, but I’m not good at the violence part, I mean when I meet enemies…or thieves, beasts, dragons, wild things, unimaginable, horrifying, terrible things; they live down there in that valley”, he said in a scary low pitched voice and pointed his hand out. I looked in the direction his hand pointed to and realized that we a few meters away from the edge of a cliff. “How do I know you won’t eat me?” I asked, staring at his eyes, if he lied he would blink. “You just need to trust me”, he said, as he put his hand to his head and felt the bump. “I’m sorry for that”, I said, “I thought you were going to eat me”. “No actually, back there, when you screamed and ran to me, I thought you where going to eat me’ he laughed and smiled as he said. I saw his teeth and became terrified, I tried to hide it but he had caught the look on my face. “Sorry’, he said, and laughed, “I’m used to it, people get scared”. I laughed, ‘How would you think I was going to eat you?” I asked him. “I don’t know…” he replied, “and I wasn’t chasing you, I was trying to stop you from running straight off this cliff”, he stressed, and the expression on his face told me he wasn’t lying, but I had to ask any way, “Why were you shouting ‘Wait, wait, I want to eat you or harm you?” “No that wasn’t what I was saying, he replied, “I shouted, ‘Wait, wait, won’t eat or harm you” “Oh”, I said, literally blown by that, “Really? Coz I thought I heard different”. “ Yeah, he said, okay, lets get out of here before we meet someone or something we wont like to meet,” he said and stood up, “This way, lets go”, and led and we followed the path back. But before I walked I peeped down, the valley was huge. And it was a valley, okay; two huge cliffs ran side by side. The side we were on was higher than the other side, and on the other side lay a stretch of green, unending jungle, filled with unknown creatures. It was noon, and the sun shone bright and revealed the lush green of the unending jungle. Then my eyes caught the flare of flames that leaped below and disappeared. I turned and hurried to catch up with Moscad. Just as I came back to the place were we first met, I saw him kneeling, no hiding behind the tree. He looked at me and motioned to me to get to hide. I slowly kept up closer to him, “What?” I asked in low whisper. “The King’s ‘dogs’, friend, there further up. Take a pip” he told me. I raised my head up slowly from behind the tree and saw too men in dark armored clothing, sniffing through the air. “Hide, we’ll get past through them”, he told me, in a low, frightened but confident whisper. And we did. Then when they had gone very far, he said; “You can get away once, but you’d never get away twice.” That was the time I met him. I had spent many weeks with him and had gotten used to him and his face. Now I had stopped turning away from his face or his smile when he looked at me. ‘What is a twisted mind?’ He asked me one day. “Well a twisted mind is a mind that’s twisted. It’s that simple. I learned what life offered, and riddled it in the first poems that I wrote earlier”, I said, as I also watched my footing over the stones as we crossed a small stream. “As I wandered through the jungle, leaving the road I headed off into the bush. The road was an endless road and I had walked a million miles, until now my mind had become twisted,” I explained. “My Twisted Mind has a collection of funny and twisted poems that drip out of a twisted mind. My mind is now twisted and my view of this world so narrow, as it twists at the end”. Then I paused, and looked at him, if he was even taking me serious, before stressing even further, “Something strange is happing out here in this jungle. My thoughts are becoming twisted, I can’t see this place as the way I first saw it. The paradise is slowly fading. What have you people done to my mind? I mean sometimes I ask myself that or the creatures that I meet”. “You know,” Cut in Moscad; “They say man tries to take what is not his, so he must pay the price. All this wild man-eating creatures, diseases, earthquakes, storms, freak weather…, that’s all Mother natures revenge.” I stopped and thought for a moment, ‘That could be true’, “Well, but for now I am trying to find a way out of it. I mean, can I find a way out of it? Is this jungle only in my head? I mean, you know, I may sound crazy, but…, I’m just saying.” “You, know, you think too much. I pity you,” said Moscad, and he looked at me and smiled. “Oh don’t”, I said, “so last night I was re-reading my poems. I mean they are my thoughts, right, yeah, so I was trying to see if I could go into my own mind. I mean can my poems tell me anything or perhaps something? Moscad stopped dead in his stride. He turned and looked at me, “No man. You’re already inside, from here you’re suppose to look outward and see the world from this view. Look around you, not in you. You should be more curious at the plants around you, what will they become, once they have fully grown? And did you know, my friend, the animals that speak have a secret. They have vowed never to tell a lie. The evil king comes around, every once in a while. There is no way to hide from him because the creatures will tell him where you are hiding and what you’ve been doing. You’d have to surrender, or if he catches he’ll feed you to he’s pack of wolves”, he said finally, and maybe he was kind enough to tell me that too. “Well rest here” he said and dropped his things. That night as we slept, I had a strange dream; in which I heard myself singing; the words were clear, and the voice was thin, belonging to a boy. It was me, right, only I was seven. My voice was fading and other voices came creeping in, then I woke up. It was twelve midnight. Then I heard I whisper, as a cold, icy wind brushed against my body. I didn’t hear what it said, but as I was about to lay down, I heard it again, this time so clear and in my head. Oh listen to the silent voice of my words because here is where I am taking to you, not in person, but in the books. My poems are my words and my words are filled with my spirit, so through my words, let my spirit give life to your soul. Here my friends, is the secret to it all. I want you to read my poems, not only to visualize what I write about, but also to find out why I write what I write. Each poem is an answer to each poetic riddle. Just let your mind comprehend without thinking, and witness before you what I write, as they come alive vividly in your mind. Don’t judge yet either; comprehend first, until you understand what I am writing about and why, and then you can judge. And if you’ll realize, my poems can tell you many things; some are like secrets, some are like knowledge, yet they are what materializes out of my twisted mind. Life is a thorn- it will hurt you, If you hold it from the wrong end, The pain of it is too great to carry, For life can only be enjoyed in its simplest. Somewhere beyond the blue I am waiting for you, Darling I’ll wait another lifetime, Only to remember the days of wine, But those where from another lifetime, From when I was yours and you were mine, So I’ll wait for you, Out here in the blue, And when you come home, I’ll be waiting alone.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 10:29:29 +0000

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