CHAPTERS. Our life is made up of so many of them. Some end with - TopicsExpress


CHAPTERS. Our life is made up of so many of them. Some end with sadness, some happiness and others leave us excited to read the next one and grateful for the impact the last chapter had on us. As the chapter that is After Dark comes to a close I have been reflecting like so many on those who have impacted me and how they have done so. Thank you Dave for showing me that the safe choice isnt always the right one. Peter Holcombe for actually observing I was having difficulty with my flash at the first AD and assisting me when I was to shy to ask. Chuckie for helping me to stop overcomplicating everything. Martin for helping me gain much needed confidence in my work. Mike for making me laugh repeatedly over the years and the fabulous toddler scotch tape trick. Kevin for the reminder to reach for the stars. Jordan for your knowledge, humor, friendship and the constant hunger I have thanks to your Instagram feed. Dan and Adrienne Rowe the value of your friendship cant be described with words. Kevin for teaching me high key so I could make some real money... And white balance ;). Brian DeMint for reminding me there are far more psychotic people out there, Dena DeMint for keeping his psychotic impulses at bay. David for making me fat, Whitney you are guilty of this by default because you let him near the oven. Damon Tucci for more funny stories than I can count, and being able to say I know someone from duck dynasty. Brooke you are an inspiration on so many levels. Dave Brosha for Wednesday night shenanigans and sharing beauty with the rest of us we would never have an opportunity to see. Ben Von Wong for reminding me how much I love fire. Renee for moving forward and showing that if you keep perspective you just can. Mark Fitzgibbons for being you. Jacci i cant say in public message me later. Scott for being my ginger brother from another mother. John Snow for making me laugh and creating the best lighting system ever with sweetlight. Celine for your every ready smiles and happiness. Paula and Travis Gadsby your backgrounds rock but even more so you are just two great people I am honored to know. Til we meet again in another chapter. Miss you already, play hard.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 01:41:19 +0000

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