CHARITY BENEFIT RAFFLE FOR MARCUS WHITE (15-YEAR-OLD COUSIN OF TORY AND NICK HARDMAN) WHEN: FEBRUARY 14, 2014 (Need not be present to win) the raffle will be held at Village Pizza in LaGrange at 7:00pm. COST:$10 PER TICKET RAFFLE ITEMS: 1ST PRIZE 51” PLASMA TV 2ND PRIZE iPad 3RD PRIZE X BOX 360 Call or message me to buy tickets. Marcus White is 15 years and he was recently diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor (Glioblastoma). Through all of Marcus’ hardships and setbacks, he continues to fight. While still able to talk, he told his mom “I am going to beat this!” We can only pray that he is right! Marcus’ mother has not left his bedside since his diagnosis. Marcus was sent home from the hospital after Thanksgiving and is continuing to undergo treatment. Marcus requires 24 hour care. Besides the emotional toll Marcus’ diagnosis has taken on the family, the financial toll is tremendous. In order to help defray some of the hospital and other expenses, family and friends of Marcus will be holding a Benefit Raffle on February 14, 2014. We are all praying for Marcus everyday that he can overcome this. Anyone in our family please feel free to copy and paste there are a lot of us that have tickets to be sold if you need any tickets to sell please contact me and I can get more from my mom.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 17:05:41 +0000

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