“CHARITY FROM THE HEART” GROUP A Visit to Mrs. LE THI NHUNG- a 5- year paralyzed woman on the bed “It is over a day but I still get strongly touched whenever I think of her” said Huy It must be much regret if I did not pay a visit to her- Ms. Le Thi Nhung, 36, and her husband, Le Phuoc Bao 41 years old. Five years ago because of the difficult circumstances, Nhung earned extra money to help her husband to raise two kids by receiving dried longan to peel the outer skin, but the accident happened. When on the way back her home, she slipped and fell her legs and broke her neck, then the family had to sell their small land to take care of her in the hospital. When the doctor found her injury necrotic and spoilt, they asked her husband to take her home for the worst situation. At home, seeing his wifes spoiled injury, he decided to peck the injury with a knife and cut rotted meat away himself, which made people tremble with shudder. As if by magic, thanks to its brave action that is keeping her alive until now. He told that his wife’s lower part of body has suffered terribly with paralysis from the waist down the legs, and she has been lying in bed for five years. Since then, he has to do everything for her from feeding her, taking care of her own urination. How pitiful it is to see him hugging his wife down from the bed for bathing. Seeing his plight, the kind neighbors nearby have made their contribution with some money to help the family with a floor and roof without the walls, and when being asked how he could do it, he said “I have been working as a mason for long and know how to make it”. When I was still a mason, I sometimes brought home with some brick from his workplace, but it has been 5 years that he has not finished four sides of walls for his family’s tiny shelter” added he. Located one place, so her legs got atrophied and bent, what a difficult circumstances it is for a mason who has to do masonry work for his living, taking care his sick wife and raising school-aged children- boys 4th grade, 5th grade. They are very good children with good education. When the charity group arrived and asked whether he ate anything, even after 11a.m but the whole family still has got nothing, at the time he got back home and he just caught some fish from the rice field nearby. Therefore, one member of the group bought some duck eggs and bottle of oil to fry food for family, while others were trying to apply acupuncture to her. He said “sometimes I thought of the family’s suicide to escape from the pain and burden that the family has been suffering. He was advised not to do stupid things and should think about the best thing and the group will find out ways to help him. Huy wrote this article to share with everyone. He is hopefully expect people to open arms, to share somewhat to share difficulties with Mrs. Nhung’s family such as some kilograms of rice and other necessities to lessen the husband’s worries to do masonry to take care their two grandchildren. Visiting the family, the charity group donated for her family 1,000,000 (one million), one case of Vinamilk from their own budget. Furthermore, the whole group directly gave more 1,100,000. Any direct helps from you will be giving to her husband’s at phone number 0166-77 88 217 Home address: Xeo May church, Cai Be, Tien Giang Province Or “THE CHARITY FROM THE HEAR” GROUP Mr. PHAM THANH QUI Bank Account: 0331-0037-11403 Vietcombank- Ben Thanh Branch- Dist 1
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 06:44:12 +0000

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