CHARITY NETWORKS CALL FOR NATIONAL STRATEGY TO PROTECT PUBLIC SERVICES Six national networks, encompassing over 1,000 charities, have called Government to produce a cross departmental strategy to protect key public services. The Wheel, the Disability Federation of Ireland, Care Alliance Ireland, Irish Rural Link, Carmichael Centre for Voluntary Groups and the National Youth Council of Ireland issued a joint statement calling on Government to ensure that children, young people, people of working age, older people, people with disabilities and the people who support and work with these groups, receive the services and supports they need to live life with dignity. The six organisations say that almost 60% of charities have experienced a decrease in income over the past three years, with 60% of those experiencing a decrease of up to a quarter. “Government regularly makes the important point that we need to achieve sustainability in our public finances. We agree. The challenge, however, is to do this while preserving our social fabric and the public services that people rely on,” the joint statement reads. The six networks argue that while Government has detailed plans to balance national income and expenditure, there is no plan to sustain public services for people who need them. They say the values underpinning recent budgets have been largely economic in their totality, focused on cuts. “We are seeing the economic take precedence over the social. The two realms have become disconnected in practice yet remain firmly linked in reality,” says John Dolan, Chief Executive of the Disability Federation. Ivan Cooper, Director of Advocacy at The Wheel agrees: “A successful economy depends on a successful society. We can’t have one without the other. Yet our current national recovery programme is degrading the social basis for a sustainable future”, says Ivan. John Dolan added that the ‘chipping away’ at both disability-specific and mainstream supports in past budgets has drastically impacted the independence and quality of life of people with disabilities. “Budget 2014 must be driven not only by fiscal considerations but by the adjacent pursuit of sustainable social outcomes,” says John. This sentiment is shared by Liam O’Sullivan, Executive Director of the Care Alliance Ireland: “Every day, family carers and key charities are supporting tens of thousands of vulnerable people to keep them at home and out of hospitals. Cuts to home care supports and to the Carers Allowance must not continue,” says Liam. Seamus Boland, Chief Executive of Irish Rural Link concluded: “The consequences of austerity means the recession will last longer and ordinary people will be disadvantaged for an unbearably longer period of time.” The six organisations have offered their support to Government to help develop and implement a plan for sustainable public services. They have also committed to involving people and communities in this collective effort. ENDS// Interviews are available with the participants. Please contact Gert Ackermann on Tel: 086176 9287 or email [email protected].
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 15:17:35 +0000

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