CHARITY NGILU is breaking the law by engaging in partisan politics - TopicsExpress


CHARITY NGILU is breaking the law by engaging in partisan politics in favour of the Jubilee government. While addressing the press on August 4, 2014, at the Lands offices in Mombasa, Lands Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu said that she will probe land grabbed in Lamu since 1963. Ngilu said the government would revoke title deeds and repossess any public land found to have been acquired irregularly, irrespective of who owns it. She said all land grabbers will be dealt with, adding that the Jubilee government had the political will to carry out the exercise that past regimes had been unable to conduct. The Cabinet secretary did not disclose the time frame for the audit of all land transactions since independence. But she said the exercise is in the hands of investigators, who will compile their report after finishing the audit, and promised that her ministry would implement the auditors recommendations. This means, she is going to revoke the title deeds for the 70% of land that is owned by the Kenyatta family in Taitta Tavetta and several parcels in other parts of the country including 60% in South Coast. And Ngilu will not end here, at the Kenyatta family. She will revoke the titles of land that William Ruto grabbed from Kenyans as well as the pieces of land that the following families grabbed; namely: Mois, Kibakis, Nyachaes, Biwotts and Mudavadis. Is this not just mere political rhetoric and hot air meant to deflate the pressure and heat the Jubilee government is subjected to by the opposition push for a referendum? Madam Ngilu, you are breaking the law by engaging in political theatrics. Dont make such kind of useless political statements. As Cabinet Secretary, the Kenya Constitution 2010, which you swore to uphold, defend and protect bars you from engaging in politics, whether partisan in favour of Jubilee as is the case now or non partisan, you are suppose to remain apolitical. It is that simple! Who is Ngilu to probe land grabbed in Lamu since 1963? She is a nobody but a political hireling feeding on the blood of poor Kenyans. The chairman of the Lamu-based Shungwaya Welfare Association, Mohamed Mbwana, and Muslims for Human Rights (Muhuri) chairman Khelef Khalifa had expressed disappointment that President Kenyatta only ordered revocations of titles to land acquired since 2011. They claimed that historical land injustices, which began in 1963, as revealed in the recommendations of the Ndung’u Commission, the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) and other commissions, had not been corrected.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 21:41:44 +0000

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