CHARMING EVIL (Episode 7) Friday, the thirteenth of May is a - TopicsExpress


CHARMING EVIL (Episode 7) Friday, the thirteenth of May is a day I won’t forget in a hurry. It started pretty normal, except of course it was Friday the thirteenth. The legendary Friday queue in the banking hall didn’t fail, everything was just typical. At about 10a.m., I felt my heart skip a beat, so I looked up, and there was Chucks, coming in through the e-door. His presence had started having some ridiculous effects on really interesting parts of me. I knew I needed to get a grip and soon. But matters of the heart, who can control? He waited patiently for me as always and approached my cubicle when it got to his turn. He never jumped the queue, even when he knew he could. That was another thing I admired in him – his sense of fair-play and equity. How had I gotten so damned lucky. “Hi pretty one,” he greeted wearing that very charming smile whose effect on me was gaining momentum instead of fading. I blushed a million times. He pushed a transfer form in front of me. I picked it and scanned through his artistic writing. He had come to transfer fifty million naira from his account. “I’ll be glad if you would please do it quickly, a business deal is on the line,” he appealed. He had never asked for anything, but he always gave everything. This one time, I was determined to do my best to put a smile on his face. I hurriedly made the deductions, sent it to Bunmi for authorization, rushed to her seat and whispered into her ears, “It’s Chucks, and he says it’s very urgent.” She immediately picked up the form, ran her eyes through it, clicked authorize on her system and the money was moved. “Done,” I announced to him, wearing a victorious smile. “Thank you,” he said, and in a dash, he was out the door. No flirtations, no gift, no chit-chat. Whatever that business was, it had to have been really important. I was glad I could assist.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 05:20:36 +0000

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