CHASING BEAUTY We all want to be beautiful. And that’s okay! - TopicsExpress


CHASING BEAUTY We all want to be beautiful. And that’s okay! It’s fine to want be beautiful. To take care of yourself. To gloss your lips and throw Spanks on your hips. But what we need to be cautious of is blurring the lines between physical beauty, spiritual beauty, and personal worth. Measuring up to Hollywood’s version of beautiful has never been, nor ever will be, what God desires for us. God cares much more about our internal beauty, our reverence and love for Him, than our external beauty. The Bible says, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30) ---gwen smith ALL OF US, DOESNT MATTER IF ITS MAN OR WOMAN, CAN ONLY BE BEAUTIFUL IF WE WILL ACCEPT THE BEAUTY THAT GOD HAS SEEN INSIDE US, your physical beauty has never been Gods way of measuring your worth!!! GOD SAW YOUR WORTH, HE DIED FOR YOU TOO RIGHT? WE ARE ALL WORTH THE BLOOD OF CHRIST!!! stop THE SELF PITY SYNDROME!!! have God- Confidence attitude and lead ur life fearing God, loving Him and making HIm ur priority, i assure u, u shall always be beautiful in Gods eyes :))) God bless everyone
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 23:51:35 +0000

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