CHATROOM WITH FREDDIE SAKURA ON DHOOK 2-3PM JOIN IN, LETS CHAT! Hi Chatroom My Name is Esther A I have been married for 4 years now but my husband has stayed with his ex- to date.This chick has always been somewhere in between us since our wedding. Before I met him they had been together since high school. She found another man and they have two kids together but she is still deep in love with my husband and he seemingly loves her too. There is no family function that happens here and she misses to attend and likewise he goes to all their family functions even when I am sure he hates her husband. They even show it to me that they really love each other. For him he says if he chose to marry me then I am the one he loves. But do you how it feels when your husband makes 6 calls a day to another married woman who happens to be his ex, every event or function she is the first invitee and she is the one he laughs with on phone in the evening. I have even considered revealing it all to her husband.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 09:40:08 +0000

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