CHIEF OYEGUN’S GAFFE AND APC’s FLAWED PROGRESSIVE MANTRA. It has been emphasised that politics in Nigeria is too important to be left in the hands of politicians alone. A number of activists and opinion moulders have been calling on men of impeccable credentials and character to join politics and help save Nigeria, the APC should therefore provide a platform for such people who feel they have the wherewithal to take Nigeria out of the present doldrums to aspire to that position without undermining democratic principle such as fairness, justice, transparency, accountability and equal participation. Adhering strictly to due procedures and democratic practices in selecting candidates and leaders of a party will engender intraparty cohesion and members can collectively present an acceptable and qualified candidate to the electorates in the general elections. ~ Harry Slim Omoakhia (March 2013) It is no longer news that the All Progressives Congress (APC) expression of interest and Presidential Nomination form is 27.5 Million naira ($170,000). Political pundits, including members of the APC, have criticized the rationale behind such exorbitant price for nomination forms. General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd), a presidential aspirant on the APC platform, complained bitterly and revealed in a speech that he had to apply for a bank loan to pay for the form. APC National Chairman, Chief John Odigie Oyeguns face saving attempt to provide reasons for the unreasonable price beggars belief and raises questions on the progressive posture of the APC. Hear Chief Oyegun: “The N27.5m is to separate the men from the boys… I don’t expect that you (Buhari) have N27.5m under your belt, but I expected that there are Nigerians who will vouch for you any day and who are ready to stand for you any day.” Chief Oyeguns statement is not only self-contradicting but it also unfortunately validates the claim in some quarters that there is no difference between the APC and the PDP. In one breathe Oyegun asserts that the 27.5M naira price tag was to separate the men from the boys; Men, in this context, refer to those who can cough up 27.5 Million naira without feeling a pinch in their pocket. In another breathe, Oyegun opines that he is aware Buhari doesnt have 27.5 Million naira under his belt: that Nigerians can vouch for him and stand by him. If Oyegun knew Buhari would find it difficult to get 27.5M naira to purchase the form, why was the price fixed at that price? Or is Buhari among the boys to be separated? It is true that there are Nigerians who will vouch for and stand firm for Buhari any day but it is also probable there are other credible people, who Nigerians can also vouch for and support any day even among those aspiring to be president on the APC platform, who may not have the reputation or cordial relationship with a bank manager to lend them money without collateral to purchase the form. It stands to reason therefore that Oyegun and APC national leadership believe that aspirants who cannot come up with 27.5M naira should be separated as the boys and removed from the race. This unfortunate outburst from the Chairman of a Party which claims to represent change should be condemned by every Nigerian seeking for a viable opposition. In an article (Embrace Internal Democracy Oye Progressives) following the registration of APC in 2013, I emphasized the importance of internal democracy in a political party and the attributes of a true progressive party. Progressivism embraces political pluralism thereby accommodating diverse aspirations that emerge from the diverse constituencies. Oyeguns separating the boys from the men mantra goes against the spirit of progressivism. Progressives are generally considered to represent the far left; they tend not to like the status quo and see the current political climate as being dominated by corporate interests. The exorbitant price charged on nomination forms which is consistent with the practice in the ruling PDP clearly shows that the APC is just a progressive party in name and not in principle and practice. The 27.5M naira price tag is a ploy to give upper hand to the bourgeoisies while undermining the proletariat who may have genuine ambition or the wherewithal to bring the dividends of democracy to the common man. Its high time Nigerians stood as one to discourage this politics of money bags and corporate interest which engenders the present situation where political office holders take the interest of their party and cronies over the interest of the masses. As 2015 draws nearer and political gladiators step to the arena, there is a need for spirited and sustained repeated call for another alternative or a mass movement since the two major parties continue to show tendencies of maintaining the status quo. Forming a new alternative seems utopian as the general election is only a stone throw away. However, the masses can form a force by supporting and voting those who have the wherewithal to better the lot of the masses no matter the party affiliation. Since the Oyeguns of this world have learned to separate the men from the boys, the masses should give power to the neglected and capable boys. Yes! We can, we should, and we must, because power belongs to us: The People. God Bless Nigeria
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 08:16:13 +0000

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