: CHILDHOOD IS BEGINNING OF HUMANITY : ORPHANS HOMES Sainbu-3, Lalitpur, Nepal. Tel. 55 90 192, 5590865. Email- himalayaorphans@yahoo Facebook//The Orphans Homes. Introduction: The “Orphans Homes” is a nongovernmental organization dedicated to the protection of children’s rights. The OH is primarily concerned with the development and protections of vulnerable, helpless, poor and orphaned innocent Nepali children. Statement : Organization was founded in 1991 with the inspiration of Mrs.Rita Rai. In the beginning Mrs.Rai established the Orphanage with seven homeless children. The official beginning of the OH began 1998 August. In 1999 Mrs.Rai donated her own land to the Orphanage to establish the facility for the homeless children that currently serves as the children`s Home in Lalitpur. Since that time Mrs. Rai have worked tirelessly to aid, educate and mentor children at risk. Currently, there are a total of 35 children who call it their home. In the same building Mrs. Rai have established primary school with the slogan- “ An education right for all children, All children for an education, Home with love for all children, No Orphan Home for any children. “ which at present is serving local helpless family’s children and Orphan children. Work progress: 1. Registration of Orphans Homes was done in 1998 August. 2. In the beginning 7 numbers of children were registered for the shelter and the security. 3. In 1999 April 15 children had joined the school for the first time. 4. High profile officers daughters were protected from the domestic quarrel and later Objectives: The OH strives to create and atmosphere of safety, dignity, along with an education that will serve the children well for the rest of their lives. Importanly, the OH strongly support the UN declaration on the rights of children. The major objectives of the OH consists of the following: 1. To provide shelter, security and medical care to all orphans ,poor and vulnerable children. 2. To provide proper education through the child`s secondary years. 3. To provide education at University to those students who excel at secondary level. 4. To stop child servitude and trafficking. 5. Support basic child development and provide basic activities that will enhance the child`s growth, intellectually, physically and emotionally. 6. To act as a child advocate in an effort to stop crime against children. 7. To establish proper transit home with transportation for children who are lost. 8. To provide temporary shelter for children whose parents are unable to properly care for their children . 9. To establish a primary school at the OH. 10. To reestablish after 18 years of age. Mission: The OH is dedicated to abolishing child servitude, exploitation and trafficking of children in Kathmandu as well as nearby villages. The OH works diligently to aid, educate and provide for children at risk. ---------------------------------*****-------------------------------- And we knew it after you read this article you will help this orphans homes. --------------------------------*****--------------------------------
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 08:33:40 +0000

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