CHINA IS HOME TO MORE THAN 100 BOGUS OR FAKE UNIVERSITIES BUT INTERESTINGLY THEY ARE HAVING WEBSITES AND NAMES SIMILAR TO FAMOUS UNIVERSITIES WHICH MAKE IT DIFFICULT TO KNOW FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS WHETHER APPLYING IN GENUINE OR BOGUS UNIVERSITY Academic credentials are essential to any candidate as they open the doors to a wide range of career opportunities. But there could be a range of reasons why someone was unable to pursue their respective educational choices- socio-economic barriers, geographical barriers, lack of interest to name a few. For those who cannot afford a degree or even a diploma, they may be tempted to turn to the ‘degree mill’. One example is China, an emerging economic powerhouse in APAC. The country alone has more than 100 phony universities offering fake degrees or diplomas. Many of them have websites and use names similar to those of real colleges. With about seven million eager students passing out of colleges every year, the competition to land a decent job is getting tougher. A candidate can get a bachelor’s or master’s degree in half an hour by submitting a photograph, some personal details and about 200-300 yuan ($44-66). He/she can pay more or less depending on the “standing” of the university and the quality of the seal of which is reproduced on the forgery. What’s more, this package includes report cards too. But China is just the tip of the iceberg as fake degrees or universities have become a major headache for employers across the globe.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 02:18:22 +0000

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