CHIROMO MORGUE ESCAPADES(BACK BY PUBLIC DEMAND;); This is no fiction or imagination, its a true but spine-chilling narration. Nothing was more scaring to a medical student than a practical anatomy exam at the University of Nairobi. The examining professors and lecturers did not make it any better; they were unpredictable; there was no telling what part of the human body theyll pick to examine you on. And so around the time of exams, all manner of speculations went on suggesting the part of the human body likely to form the basis of the practical exam. And so when exams neared, we would start speculating what part of the body the lecturers will decide to examine; some would say the lower limbs(legs), yet others would say the trunk or the skull. Most dreaded professors/lecturers for their tough oral examining skills were Prof Kimani, Prof Hasanalli, Dr Gikenye, Dr Saidi, Prof Matter, and Dr Julius Ogengo, otherwise known as O.G. Anatomy was not not my best subject and my then Anatomy lecturers can attest to this; and so it came to pass that 2007 exams were around the corner. And as usual therere students who excel at waiting for the last minute to study/revise for the exams. This time the usual rumors went round; that the lecturers may bring the skull or the lower limb. One particular student decided to be clever by half. There were lots of rumors of the skull or the lower limb being the exam. The student( name withheld) decided to do a special type of revision; he sneak into the dissection room of chiromo mortuary an made away with several human body paraphernalia; yes, the student actually carried body parts to go and revise overnight. He carried a flesh human skull and a right leg and safely packed them in his bag. Of course the student did not mean any harm; he was just trying to pass exams by cramming all the neves and muscles of the skull and the lower limb. He carried the human parts to his room ready for revision. Fortunately or unfortunately the lights went off in the whole of Chiromo campus. The dreaded anatomy exam was due the following morning and he could not take any chances; he had to thoroughly study the human organs. It so happened the the student was staying along Waiyaki way, somewhere near Just next to a popular beer and Mbuzi Choma joint called Njugunas. My student colleague decided to carry the human skull and leg to go revise at home, lest he fails the exams the next day. Towards that end he decided to pack the two human parts to go revise at home. He packed a human skull, a fixed human brain and the whole right leg ostensibly to go and revise. The student then walked from chiromo, down riverside drive then picked a Matatu towards Westlands roundabout. Hell broke loose near St Consolata shrine church when the Matatu my colleague was traveling in lost control and encountered a minor accident near the Westlands mall roundabout. A few passengers were thrown out of the Matatu and my friend was no exception; His luggage, consisting of a flesh human skull and a right leg were scattered on the road. Onlookers and other passengers were shocked to find human organs. Screams rent the air as mobs bayed for my friends blood, The young man was almost lynched after curious onlookers confused the human organs for witchcraft paraphernalia. You can guess what happened next...
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 13:34:52 +0000

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