CHOICE UNLIMITED 19 June 2014 – IS IT IN YOUR CALENDAR? Choice Unlimited will take place on Thursday 19 June 2014 at Epsom Downs racecourse from 10am to 6pm. Please save the day – and tell others about it too! Designed for disabled people, older people and carers in Surrey, Choice Unlimited is an exhibition style event, showcasing all under one roof the diversity of information, services, products, ideas and innovation that is available locally to support independent living. Choice Unlimited provides an opportunity for: Disabled people, older people and carers to learn about the services available to them on their doorstep to support them to live independent lives Organisations to showcase their wares and increase awareness about their services, whether they are large or small Professionals to learn about the diversity of services available locally so they are better able to support their clients. Entry will be free to visitors and the exhibitors will cover: • Education, training and employment • Health • Transport • Leisure and wellbeing • Products and equipment • Care and support There will also be workshops on a wide range of topics, including the Care Bill, powers of attorney and the Court of Protection, how CCGs work, personal health budgets, advocacy, employing a personal assistant and using the new Surrey County Council Direct Payments card. Full details will be available shortly on the Choice Unlimited website. A variety of activities and entertainments will be taking place throughout the day, including boccia for sighted and for people with visual impairments, art workshops, and first aid demonstrations and activities. The Firestone Rock Band will be playing, and in the afternoon there will be a drama production about dementia, ‘Caring for the Queen of Surrey’. For more information, please see the Choice Unlimited website at If you would like to have a stand at this event, or are interested in visiting, you can book your place or make an enquiry either on the website or by telephoning 0116 222 5005. We shall look forward to seeing you there!
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 09:56:08 +0000

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