CHOOSE TO REFUSE! The tests mean nothing--the SCORES arent - TopicsExpress


CHOOSE TO REFUSE! The tests mean nothing--the SCORES arent received until after a child is promoted to the next level--the CUT SCORES are artificial, the tests are 70 to 90 minutes a day depending on the grade. The tests are over 500 minutes long in a two week time span--around 540 or more if your child is special needs. The tests have product placement and embedded questions (additional time to answer nonsense for the sake of the testing company) which have no bearing on the work being done. Teachers are not allowed to see the tests, before or after, and the teachers also never get to know how your child did individually. The teachers get a few aggregated questions for the grade level that children either got wrong or right according to the DOEs choosing. The teacher will never know if those questions were ever really on the assessments because they can never see the tests. The childrens test scores are hinged to the teachers evaluations. If a child does poorly for any host of reasons on these rigged tests in a rigged game where the state can pick winners and losers--that teachers evaluation suffers. The teachers evaluations are part of their overall HEDI rating. Highly effective, Effective, Developing and Ineffective. If a quality teacher (under these new laws) does not meet her AYP and receives two Ineffective ratings in a row, that teacher must go through a battery of professional development training in order to bring their HEDI up to at least Developing. This is happening to teachers who were previously OUTSTANDING and these measures against the teacher are coming from an unelected, faceless, appointed, body of state agents who have never taught in a public school classroom in their lives. A teacher who was once worth their weight in gold can be HEDI rated right out of a job even if they have tenure. Another issue is that our children are data mined and their personally identifiable information is released to the state and their test scores and the embedded questions and product placement recorded along with their names, date of birth, religion, socio-economic background, demographics, bus stop, gender, disciplinary record, family background, truly over 400 points of Pii are placed in a cloud and stored on your child and the teacher--in fact the child to teacher connection is one of the biggest pieces of data they are after to mine. The data is then shared with third party vendors who use that data to create next generation technology and software to plug into (because of interoperability) the schools systems state mandated data bases--yes they are law--(you can thank your elected legislators--beginning with Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan and Senator John Flanagan--both Chairs of the education committee). Third party vendors will be making bank off your tax dollars while at the same time using your children (along with the publishing companies and Bill Gates--the billionaire who subsidized all these pet projects with his so called benevolent philanthropic money to the tune of millions of dollars). Children will be pigeon holed, learning only what the FACELESS unelected self appointed EDUCATION REFORMERS want them to learn--how much--but no more and no less--they are white washing our American History, combining American history and social studies lessons (which they control) into the English and math lessons. The standards are a narrowing down of the curriculum. Teachers are teaching from SCRIPTED MODULES in a new website they are being forced to use (which was paid for by our tax dollars and Bill Gates) called ENGAGENY (because our state is a lead state--other states are using these modules as well) The modules are terrible, they are scripted like I said, they are full of age inappropriate materials, fraught with negativity, socially charged subject matter, issues that are so out of the realm of a childs understanding, they cant relate. So if this type of testing is what you want your child to sit through, what more is there to say? However, as a parent of five children, four who have already graduated OUT of the system and are in college and career paths--flourishing--these tests and this new way of learning and these corporate sponsors and partners and share holders were never a part of the equation. People need to get informed because this is Obamacore, is just like Obamacare, and I have been literally researching this for over a year now. Reading everything I can get my hands on in New York State and across the nation. I hope that parents refuse the tests because its the only way to cut off the data supply and the data supply is what drives the profit and that, along with controlling the future global workforce, is all these people are after! Dont give them your children as an unpaid workforce.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:25:44 +0000

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